
资料题:Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?


A.The August meeting of theAdvisory Committee lasted almostthree hours.

B.TheTreasureransweredsomequestions after her report.

C.All of the members attended themeeting on the required time.

D.The minutes of the July meetingwere read but not approved.


MINUTES OF THE MEETINGBM# 104Monthly Meeting of the Advisory Committeeon Affirmative ActionCall to order: Ms. Karen Powers, PresidentPresent: Susan Branch, Kathleen Goodwin, Karen Molzan, Margaret Murphy, Roger Wells & David SallisburyApologies for absence: Lella Kraft, Mark Nolan & Marianna ValdezTime: 3: 00 p. m. on Friday, August 15,2009Venue: Building B, Room 202Minutes Keeper: Jane Stella, SecretaryPage: 11Contents:1. The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved with the following correction: David Sallisnury was added to the list of members present and deleted from the list of members absent.2. President Powers read the special Report of the Task Force on Affimative Action. After Questions, the report was filed for future reference.3. Ms. Branch, Treasurer, read the Treasurer's report. The balance for July, $5, 215.67, included $ 5,000 allocation for the new fiscal year. The report was accepted and placed on file.4. After a lengthy discussion on the value of conducting workshops on sexual harassment, Branch moved and Powers seconded that the Committee recommend that the company provided a series of workshops on understanding and eliminating sexual harassment in the workplace. Moton carried. Branch volunteered to write a draft of the proposal for management in time for the September meeting.5.The meeting for September will be at 4:00p.m. on the 24th instead of 3:00p.m. tomembers who will be attending the luncheon with the CEO.6. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4: 40 p.m.



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