A. Attract and retain the number of people required with the appropriate skills, expertise and competences
B. Reduce dependence on external recruitment when key skills are in short supply by formulating retention, as well as employee development, strategies
C. Neglect the problems of potential surpluses or deficits of people
D. Develop a well-trained and flexible workforce, thus contributing to the organization’s ability to adapt to an uncertain and changing environment
A. work force diversity
B. technological trends
C. globalization
D. great changes in the nature of work force
A. delayering
B. downsizing
C. right-sizing
D. benchmarking
A. knowledge, skill, and responsibility
B. mental ability, skill, and responsibility
C. knowledge, mental ability, and responsibility
D. knowledge, mental ability, and accountability
A. standards relate to the overall objectives of the organization
B. standards capture the entire range of an employee’s responsibilities
C. individuals tend to maintain a certain level of performance over time
D. factors outside the employee’s control can influence performance
A. career paths
B. job progressions
C. career lines
D. job paths
A. person analysis
B. demographic analysis
C. individual analysis
D. group and individual analysis
A. the paired comparison
B. the individual ranking
C. the group order ranking
D. critical incidents
A. similarity error
B. halo effect or error
C. leniency error
D. single criterion
A. the point method
B. job ranking
C. the comparison method
D. the Hay profile method
A. task analysis
B. organization analysis
C. resource analysis
D. skills and analysis
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