10 Stakeholders are often categorised as external, connected and internal.
Which TWO of the following are examples of connected stakeholders?
A. An executive director
B. A shareholder
C. A supplier
D. A pressure group (2 marks)
11 A manager who can manage their time well is able to recognise and distinguish which tasks are ____________ and ____________ .
Which TWO words correctly complete this sentence?
A. Necessary
B. Important
C. Urgent (1 mark)
12 Which types of goods tend to be bought and used together?
A. Complements
B. Substitutes
C. Giffen goods
D. Inferior goods (2 marks)
10 A shareholder and A supplier An executive director is an internal stakeholder and a pressure group is an external
stakeholder. The two connected stakeholders are a shareholder and a supplier.
11 Urgent Important Time is a scarce resource. One of the problems managers have in allocating their time comes from
determining what tasks are important and distinguishing these from urgent tasks.
12 Complements Complements are goods which tend to be bought and used together.