It's Sunday,so all the shops are closed. 今天是星期天,所以这些店铺都关门了。 I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again. 我肯定没有办法再把箱子关上了。 shut与close的含义差别在于,shut仅表示“关闭”之状态,不包含“不让进入”或“不接纳”的意思。 As soon as he opens the gate from the outside,he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. 它一旦从外面把门打开,便走进园子里等着关门。 在某些习语中,只有shut而不用close. Shut up!住口! He found every road to the accomplishment of his desire shut against him. 他发现通向实现自己愿望的所有道路都被堵死了。 He shut his eyes to the severs reality. 对于这严峻的现实,他是闭着眼睛不肯看的。 2、accompany;attend;escort;convoy.意思都含“与人结伴同行”或“伴随某物”。 accompany指“与人结伴,做伴”,常含有彼此之间关系平等之意,如: He -nied her to the theater.他陪她去剧院。 attend意为“随侍”、“随从”等解,如: Some students attended Prof. Jones on a field trip. 一些学生随琼斯教授去野外郊游。 escort和convoy意为“以警卫等身份陪伴”,如: This merchant ship was convoyed by a destroyer. 这艘商船由一驱逐舰护航。 escort还指礼节上的“尊重或献殷勤”,如: He escorted a lady to a party. 他陪一位女士赴宴。编辑推荐:
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