

来源: 2017-08-31 17:44

1.What is the correct order for the OSI model?

  P=Presentation, S=Session, D=Datalink, Ph=Physical, T=Transport, A= Application,


  A. P S A PH D N T B. A P S T N D PH

  C. PH D N T A S P D. P S A T N D PH

  Answer B. It is crucial you not only memorize this and know what each layer does.

  2. What is encapsulation?

  A. Putting the header on an incoming frame

  B. Putting a header on an incoming segment

  C. Putting a header on an outgoing frame

  D. Putting a header on an outgoing bit

  Answer C. This also includes trailers and can be put on segments, packets, and frames.

  3. Which layer is most concerned with user applications?

  A. Application B. Presentation C. Network D. Physical

  Answer A.

  4. Which of the following is de-encapsulation?

  A. Stripping the header from a frame

  B. Putting a header on a segment

  C. Putting a header on a frame

  D. Stripping a frame from a link

  Answer A. This also includes trailers as in question 2.

  5. What layer converts data into segments?

  A. Application B. Presentation C. Transport D. Physical

  Answer C.

  6. What layer converts data into Packets?

  A. Network B. Application C. Physical D. Data Link

  Answer A.

  7. What layer converts data into Frames?

  A. Application B. Physical C. Data Link D. Transport

  Answer C.

  8. What layer converts data into bits?

  A. Application B. Session C. Data Link D. Physical

  Answer D. All of the layers need to convert data into something that they can pass

  down to the next level, with the exception of the Application layer which hands

  data to the Presentation layer. The Presentation layer encrypts, and compresses

  before sending it to the Session layer for it s first conversion.

  9. Which layer is most concerned with getting data from the beginning to the final


  A. Application B. Presentation C. Session D. Transport

  Answer D. The transport layer is most concerned with reliable transportation from

  one end to the other.

  10. Which of the following is not a part of the Session layer?

  A. Establishing a session

  B. Ensuring error free segments

  C. Ending a session

  D. Keeping the sender and receiver from sending a message at the same time

  Answer B. That is the job of the Transport layer.



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