华为认证:Display interface的显示信息详解
Display interface的显示信息
[1] GigabitEthernet3/0/1 current state : DOWN
Media type is not sure, loopback not set
Unknown-speed mode, unknown-duplex mode
Flow-control is not supported
[10] Broadcast MAX-ratio: 100%
[12] PVID: 1
[14] Tagged VLAN ID : none
[16] Last 5 minutes input rate 229 bytes/sec, 2 packets/sec
[17] Input(total): 34764 packets, 14212713 bytes
[18] Input(normal): 34764 packets, 14212713 bytes
[19] Input(error): 0 input errors, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overruns,
[20] Output(total): 1630514 packets, 525467915 bytes
[21] Output(normal): 1630514 packets, 525467915 bytes
[22] Output(error): 0 output errors, 0 underruns, 0 buffer failures, 0 aborts,
- deferred, - collisions, - late collisions, - lost carrier, - no carrier
[1] 接口状态 显示硬件链路的状态
接口的最大传输单元 显示接口的最大传输单元
端口的连接器硬件类型 显示接口的连接器硬件类型
端口是否是速度、双工的自协商配置 显示端口速度、双工的自协商配置
端口可以正常转发的帧长度 显示端口可以正常转发的帧长度
[11] 端口是否允许jumbo帧通过 显示端口是否允许jumbo帧通过
[13] 端口的链路类型 显示端口的链路类型(access,trunk,hybrid)
[15] 端口所属的untag的VLAN的列表 显示端口所属的untag的VLAN的列表
[17] 接口的物理层输入总值统计 显示物理层输出的报文数/字节数/广播和多播/PAUSE帧
[18] 接口的物理层输入中正常帧的统计 显示物理层输出的报文数/字节数/广播和多播/PAUSE帧
[19] 接口的物理层输入错误统计 输入错误数,input errors等于各种重要错误信息的总和。不同的产品可以根据具体情况增加其它参数,或减少不能实现的参数。
( Receive Byte Count < 64 and NOT CRC Error
无论是否有vlan tag,数据段小于64字节,而且没有CRC校验错误的帧。)
( Receive Byte Count > 1518 and NOT CRC Error
1522 and Tag Packet and NOT CRC Error,
(3) Throttles: discarded packets that are incomplete frames.
(4) CRC: discarded packets with checksum error.
(5) Frame: discarded packets with frame pad/sequence/alignment error, out of frame etc.
(6) Overrun: the receiver hardware is unable to hand received data to a hardware buffer because the input rate exceeds the receivers ability to handle the data.
(7) Aborts: Input abnormal frames that are discarded.
(8) Ignored: packets that are discarded because the interface hardware does not have enough internal buffers.
(9) Parity: Frames with parity error.
[20] 接口的物理层输出总值统计 显示物理层输入的报文数/字节数/广播和多播/PAUSE帧
Pauses: Flow control pauses including Xon and Xoff.
(1) Underruns: There are no data in the output queue.
(2) Buffer failures: Hardware does not have enough internal buffers.
(3) Aborts: Output abnormal frames that are discarded.
(4) Deferred: The packets could not be sent out for collision under half-duplex mode.
(5) Collisions: Statistic of collision detection under half-duplex mode.
(6) Late collisions: Statistic of collision with GE port sending packets less than 512 bytes and 10/100M port less than 64 bytes.
(7) Lost carrier: Statistic of losing the carrier.
(8) No carrier: Statistic of no carrier.
温馨提示:因考试政策、内容不断变化与调整,长理培训网站提供的以上信息仅供参考,如有异议,请考生以权威部门公布的内容为准! (责任编辑:长理培训)