微软认证模拟试题:NtServer企业级 2
Question 5. You have a Windows NT server, SMALLNT, in a resource domain that is running an SQL database. Users in all trusted domains are accessing the database on SMALLNT, which only has one hard drive. How can you implement a fault tolerance strategy on SMALLNT?
a . By adding two more hard drives and implementing RAID level 1.
RAID level 1 : Stripe set without parity does not provide any fault tolerance. You can eliminate A and D.
RAID level 5 : Stripe set with parity provides fault tolerance. You need a mnium of three members and up to a maximum of 32.
Volume set : Provides no fault tolerance and no performance increase. A volume set is just a collection of free hard disk space combined into a logical drive. In a stripe set with parity, you can have 3 - 32 members in the set. You must have a minimum of 3. If 1 member in a stripe set with parity fails ====> Disk operations will continue. To recreate the stripe set with parity, replace the failed member and regenerate the parity bits through the Disk Administrator. If 2 or more members in a stripe with parity fails ====> Disk operations will stop. To recreate the stripe set with parity, replace the failed members, recreate the stripe set with parity, and restore data from tape backup. Question : On member in your stripe set with parity fails. Under what circumtance will Windows NT automatically recreate the parity stripes? Answer : Never. You have to replace the failed memeber and manually recreate the parity stripes through the Disk Administrator.
Question 7. True or False. Disk operations can continue in a volume set if one member in the set fails, but it cannot continue if two or more members in the set fails.
A volume set does provide any fault tolerance. If one member fails, then disk operations will stop. Only disk mirroring ( its hybrid disk duplexing ) and disk striping with parity provide fault tolerance under Windows NT. The only possible choice is disk mirroring-- since disk mirroring is the only fault tolerance standard that can include the system or boot partition. Answer D : The system partition ( the partition that contains the boot up files ) can be on any physical hard disk, and not necessary the first physical hard drive. You just have to change the ARC pathname in the "boot.ini" file to point to the physical disk number where the system partition resides. A stripe set without parity provides the fastest read and write operations out of all NT's disk sets. In a stripe set without parity, information is read and written to all members simultenously. In a volume set, information is read and written to only ONE member at a time. If you want the best disk performance, and you are not concerend with fault tolerance, then a stripe set without parity is the way to go. Disk striping without parity provides the fastest read and write operations. However, it does NOT provide any fault tolerance. If one member in a stripe set without parity fails, then you must restore data from tape backup. Question : True or False. You want to change the size of the stripe set without parity. You must re-create the stripe set without parity and restore all data from backup. Answer True. In a stripe set without or with parity, the parition of all members in the set must be the same size. If you want to change the size of the stripe set, then you must re-create the stripe set and restore data from tape backup.
Question 6. You have ten hard disks configured as a stripe set with parity on your Windows NT Server computer. On a certain day, two members in the set fails. What must you do to restore the stripe set with parity?
a . Replace the failed members and regenerate the data through the Regenerate command in the Fault Tolerance menu.
Question 8. You have a Windows NT Server computer called BIGNT, which has three hard drives. Each hard drive has one, and only one, primary partition. The boot partition is on the first drive and the system partition is on the second drive. Using the existing configuration, what fault tolerance standard can you implement on your Windows NT server?
a . Disk mirroring.
b. Disk striping with parity.
c. Either A or B can be used..
d. You cannot implement fault tolerance given the scenario. The system parition must be on the first physical hard drive in order to implement fault tolerance.
Question 9. You have four hard drives on your Windows NT Server computer. You would like to use the free disk space from all four drives to create one logical drive. You would like to have the fastest read operations, and you are not concerened about fault tolerance. What is the best disk set to implement?
a . A volume set.
Question 10. You've implemented disk striping without parity on your Windows NT Server computer. There are five members in the set. On a certain day, one member in the set fails. What must you do to restore data?
a . Use Regenerate command in the Fault Tolerance menu in Disk Administrator.
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