70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(7) 2
person two:
General comments:
Yes, the test is different in that it has a few new questions, but there is still all the regular stuff like the TCP/IP utilities. I didn t find the test that difficult, but I m sure that I would have scored well on the non-adaptive test. Thought the test was easier than Enterprise.
There is this new drag and drop type of question where you D&D your answer on to the appropriate box. It like the test you took in school where you had to match up/draw lines between answers and questions. They don t tell you if an answer can be used more than once.
Things to Know:
Had a lot of question on browsing. One question had 3 sub nets with PDC on one, BDC on another and WINS server on another. Asked you to drag and drop labels like Domain Master Browser, Master Browser, Backup Browser, Potential Browser on to the pictures of the servers. I wasn t sure what to put for the WINS server. I choose Master Browser because I thought each subnet needed one.
Another Drag and drop involved Host name resolution order.
No subnetting questions although you still had to know ranges and valid IP s (subnets, gateways, IP) as they relate to eachother when doing a ipconfig /all.
Quite a few questions on troubleshooting connections. Can ftp but can t connect via UNC etc...
Know DHCP global scopes. How to setup redundancy when you have 2 DCHP servers.
One or 2 questions on SNMP requirements (Trap IP , Community name)
Know TCP/IP Printing. I should have studied this in more detail. Had a drag and drop question involving a Unix server, NT server, Printer, and NT workstations. You had to place labels on each device from a selection of LPQ, LPR, and TCP/IP Printing service. Drag and drop question involving DNS, Primary, Secondary, SOA, Cache file, Forwarder. Know the differences.
That s about it for now...
Study the other dumps... Chili Pepper, Studyguide. All the answers are there. Don t worry about the new adaptive format. It s not that bad. Get the Transcenders and take them until you score in the high 800 s and understand the what and why of the questions and you ll have no problems on this one.
4 down 2 to go, Good luck!
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