
70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(6)

来源: 2017-09-16 14:47

Hi Guys, I took my second exam on Saturday morning (7/25) after less than 3 hours sleep. I ran out of time to review all of my study materials but I was successful w/ 879. I allowed the clock to run out as I tried to review all of the marked questions. I did notice several wrong answers during the 10 mins comment section - but ... what can you do? I earned : Planning - 85%, Installation and Configuration - 88%, Connectivity - 100%, Monitoring and Optimization - 83%, Troubleshooting - 86%. I ll prepare a bit better next time.

MCSE TestPrep TCP/IP 1998
The John Lambert article - "Breeze Through Subnet Masking", http://www.mcpmag.com/members/97mayjun/oe1body.asp
Microsoft PEP Tests
Doing the subnetting table removes a lot of the angst once you are on the clock. All of those questions become no-brainers (unless you get sloppy, like I do sometimes). There were approx. 6 questions. I did not use the calculator.

DHCP / WINS / subnet mask / IP address / NetBIOS scope / default gateway / address range / DNS / LMHOSTS file / ftp / etc.
Order of name resolution (computer / host)?
How do you check to see if a router is working properly?What command should be used to check various conditions?
There were many utility questions, (trick area - netstat vs. network monitor)

(I missed the no zone-transfer requirement.)
Using network monitor, performance monitor, SNMP agent SW / management SW - Accumulate and View, charting, plan network growth, check source of heavy traffic - get the applications straight in your head.
Best way to install UNIX computers into a Windows environment? UNIX computer has an LPD server? NT Server as a print server in a UNIX / Windows environment? Essentially using LPR utility versus installing TCP/IP printing service.
Multiple domains on multiple subnets, every computer needs to browse every domain - entries in LMHOSTS files regarding PDCs and BDCs for local and remote domains?
Using #DOM:domain and #PRE in LMHOSTS file?
Incorrect entries in a HOSTS file?
Time when a DHCP client renews lease?
Resource record type (AFSDB, CNAME, MB, MG, MINFO) for IIS?
Configuring DHCP options across multiple subnets (as a global option)?
Configuring WINS replication - Table was given w/ configuration of both servers, list of mandatory requirements, list of optional requirements, list of solutions -

s clients, multiple subnets w/ router, TCP/IP protocol, DHCP, WINS, DNS, must use hostnames... I followed the suggestion from an earlier braindump and created a chart - Solution
Ques. 2
Ques. 4
Req. 1
Req. 1
Opt. 1
Opt. 2
Opt. 3



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