
70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(5) 2

来源: 2017-09-16 14:48

 Here is my braindump. Sorry I cannot remember the exact wording but the general idea is all I can do:
1. A diagram with two subnets. Computer WKT1 and Market server in Subnet One and Server Design in Subnet two. WKT1 can access Design but cannot access Market.
My answer: invalid subnet mask n WKT1. ( two of choices were about default gateway and router, so you are left with two to choose from )
2. A Seattle and Washington WINS server needs to replicate ( required ) and at least once a day ( optional ) and another optional I forgot. Then a table showing Seattle's push partner is Washington and Washington's pull partner is Seattle. It looks to me that Seattle is pushing and being pulled and therefore Washington's WINS is not being replicated to Seattle. So I chose Not meeting required result. I could be worng on this one.
3. A question on a machine "A" doing ARP broadcast when trying to connect to another local machine "B". I choose machine "A" has invalid subnet mask.
4. A lot of questions ( easy ones ) on the utility. Example: capture and decode TCP/IP statistics = NETSTA.EXE; charting into spreadsheet – PERFORMANCE MONITOR; look at changes DHCP made = IPCONFIG.EXE; look at netbios and IP file; NBSTAT.EXE; look at IP address to physical address file: ARP.EXE. Notice that none required I need to know the extension. Very easy questions on the utilities. So don't worry.
5. Adiagram showing about four NT Server looking like routers. You need to add routes to HOST 2 and HOST 3 ( which are located next to each other with HOST 1 and HOST 4 on either side. Four choices. One choice had the wrong route add command ( missing the MASK. I can't remember which one I chose but just remember the Route ADD command is Route Add [ destination } MASK [ Subnet Mask ] [ default gateway ].
6. The famous LMHost file; You ftp Product and it's fine but not if you ftp the IP address; You do IPCONFIG and get Engineering Product #……… Product #…….
I chose The IP for Product is incorrect.
7. I forgot another question but the answer is ( pick two ) one is one in PDC of the remote domain and one the domain controller in the local domain.
8. The big scenario question on requiring all windows based machine to connect and UNIX to …..and trap messages ( fairly well covered in other braindumps ) followed by four proposed solutions with each one getting better and better until the last one being meet required and all optionals. Basically you need enable IP forwarding, RIP for dynamic routing table updates, static mapping for UNIX, SNMP for trap messages etc.
9. A lot of questions refering to You can connect local machine but cannot remote machines whilst others in your subnet is doing fine. Mostly something not right with your machine; e.g. invalid subnet mask or default gateway settings.
10. Only a few ( about four ) on subnetting, very easy if you prepare the table whilst aswering the survey before the test starts. Always you have X subnets and max. Host what subnet mask……
11. Designing network. How many HOST id's do you need. Answer one for each Router interface and one for each NIC on Host. If question asks how amny NET id's then it is one for each Subnet and one for each WAN connection.
12. Montoring from a UNIX machine . What do you need. I chose on UNIX install SNMP management software and NT server install SNMP Services.
13. One easy question on TCP/IP printing services. The NT Server to manage as well. On top of TCP/IP printing services configure LPR port and share printer.



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