70-059TCP/IP 4.0 试题回顾(2) 2
person two:
I used no books recommended by other members. Just the brain dumps to help me focus on what I ought to know.I used general networking with UNIX TCP/IP knowledge with some NT utilities and that was all.In my thoughts I think TCP/IP is TCP/IP no matter waich Operating system.
Here we go
1)A lot of command line utilities: ARP, NETSTAT, NBTSTAT, NSLOOKUP (know these) as well as PERFOMANCE MONITOR and NETWORK MONITOR. In my test mostly I answered NETSTAT when it appeared.
Question I had include:
a)Which utility will you use to display TCP/IP statisticss in your network(netstat)
c)To collect statistics for further analysis(perf mon)
2) Know about printing stuff like :What are LPQ, LPD and LPR for?
the other one said enable IP forwarding
So I answered invariably as
does not meet
only required results
meets all
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