

来源: 2017-08-18 08:57



Tempe, AZ says:   The 290 exam is flawed. I am already an MCSE 2003:Security (and MCSE on three previous versions 3.51, 4, 2000). I am also an MCT. I decided to take the 290 exam just to see how the simulations worked and they were quite disappointing. Also, to find out that your score is lower if you go a different way is completely rediculous! How could you possibly say there is a right way to get a task done? If I type dsa.msc at the Run line, is that not as good as going through the Start Menu to open Active Directory Users and Computers? No, actually my way is faster. If I use diskmgmt.msc to manage disks instead of compmgmt.msc is that wrong? No, my way gets me there faster. The simulations are a huge failure in my opinion. When I heard the exams would get simulations, I was thinking maybe Virtual PC or possibly VPN to Microsoft, but not this half-backed sorry approach to hands-on. These simulations are truly pitiful and truly a disaster! I am thoroughly disappointed. I hope everyone continues to complain unit something is done about this rediculous excuse for improving our certification. The best they are going to get from these exams is TEST MONKEYS. What I mean by that is people who memorize paths to get something done instead of learning how the operating system really works. Obviously the people that put these questions together DON'T KNOW HOW THE OPERATING SYSTEM REALLY WORKS! 
Fumtek says:
  In my view, the new type of sim will stir a bit in the western world as most of the people who are going to take the exam are real pro. This is the reason why they don't like it at all. (quote:but, oh well, they are new and I am sure that they will improve in the future. Hopefully sooner than later.)
  如果你最近准备参加这2门考试,倒也不必过分紧张,因为现在微软提供1次补考的机会,在准备大量实验后,通过的机会还是很高的,不过千万记得To be a Real Pro, you must know HOW THE OPERATING SYSTEM REALLY WORKS! 



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