you have been asked to create a scheduling system for a hotel and catering organsiation.
you have been given the following information and asked to create a set of classes to represent it
on the catering side of the organsiation they have
head chefs
apprentice chefs
the system needs to store an employeeid, salary and the holiday entitlement
how would you best represent this information in javae been given the following information and asked to create a set of classes to represent it.
how would you best represent this information in java
1) create classes for head chef, chef, apprentice chef and store the other values in fields
3) create and employee class with fields for job title and fields for the other values.
question 53)
you need to read in the lines of a large text file containing tens of megabytes of data. which of the following would be most suitable for reading in such a file
1) new fileinputstream("file.name")
3) new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(new fileinputstream("file.name")));
question 54)
what will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code?
public class inc{public static void main(string argv){ inc inc = new inc(); int i =0; inc.fermin(i); i = i++; system.out.println(i); } void fermin(int i){ i++; }}1) compile time error
3) output of 1
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