21、Which of the following assignment is not correct?
A. float f = 11.1;
B. double d = 5.3E12;
C. double d = 3.14159;
D. double d = 3.14D.
22、Given the uncompleted code of a class:
class Person {
String name, department;
int age;
public Person(String n){ name = n; }
public Person(String n, int a){ name = n; age = a; }
public Person(String n, String d, int a) {
// doing the same as two arguments version of constructor
// including assignment name=n,age=a
department = d;
Which expression can be added at the "doing the same as..." part of the constructor?
A. Person(n,a);
B. this(Person(n,a));
C. this(n,a);
D. this(name,age).
下面的哪些表达式可以加到构造方法中的"doing the same as..."处?
23、Which of the following statements about variables and their scopes are true?
A. Instance variables are member variables of a class.
C. Local variables defined inside a method are created when the method is executed.
A. 实例变量是类的成员变量。
C. 在方法中定义的局部变量在该方法被执行时创建
类中有几种变量,分别是:局部变量(英文可以为:local"automatic"temporary"stack variable)是定义在方法里的变量;实例变量(英文为:instance variable)是在方法外而在类声明内定义的变量,有时也叫成员变量;类变量(英文为:class variable)是用关键字static声明的实例变量,他们的生存期分别是:局部变量在定义该变量的方法被调用时被创建,而在该方法退出后被撤销;实例变量在使用new Xxxx()创建该类的实例时被创建,而其生存期和该类的实例对象的生存期相同;类变量在该类被加载时被创建,不一定要用new Xxxx()创建,所有该类的实例对象共享该类变量,其生存期是类的生存期。任何变量在使用前都必须初始化,但是需要指出的是局部变量必须显式初始化,而实例变量不必,原始类型的实例变量在该类的构造方法被调用时为它分配的缺省的值,整型是0,布尔型是false,而浮点型是0.0f,引用类型(类类型)的实例变量的缺省值是null(没有进行实际的初始化,对它的使用将引起NullPointException),类变量的规则和实例变量一样,不同的是类变量的初始化是在类被加载时。
24、public void test() {
System.out.println("condition 1");
System.out.println("condition 2");
System.out.println("condition 3");
A. condition 1
C. condition 3
25、Given the following code:
void printValue(int m){
10 )
public static void main(String arg) {
Test t= new Test();
Which will be output?
B. The value is 9
D. The value is 11
26、Which of the following statements about declaration are true?
B. Declaration of primitive types such as boolean, byte and so on allocates memory space for the variable.
D. Declaration of nonprimitive types such as String, Vector ans so on allocates memory space for the object.
B. 对原始数据类型例如boolean,byte的变量的声明将为之分配内存空间。
D. 非原始数据类型例如String,Vector的变量的声明会为该对象分配内存。
27、In the Java API documentation which sections are included in a class document?
B. A list of methods in its super class
D. The class hierarchy
题目:在Java API文档中下面的哪些部分被包括在内
B. 父类的方法的列表
D. 类层次
28、Given the following code:
1) public void modify() {
3) i = 100;
0 ) {
6) System.out.println (" The value of j is " + j );
8) i--;
10) }
A. line 4
C. line 7
29、Which of the following statements about variables and scope are true?
B. Local variables are also called automatic variables.
D. A method parameter variable continues to exist for as long as the object is needed in which the method is defined.
B. 局部变量也叫自动变量。
D. 在方法中定义的方法的参变量只要该对象被需要就一直存在。
30、A class design requires that a member variable cannot be accessible directly outside the class. Which modifier should be used to obtain the access control?
B. no modifier
D. private
31Given the following code fragment:
2) if ((str != null) && (str.length() > 10)) {
4) }
6) System.out.println("less than 5");
8) else { System.out.println("end"); }
A. line 1
C. line 5
此题需要将代码仔细看清楚,查询没有逻辑错误,if …else的使用没有问题,也没有拼写错误,错误在于第5行的"与"操作符的使用,逻辑操作符(logical operator)的"与"应该是&&,而在执行"与"操作的时候,如果第一个条件为false,那么第二个条件判断运算是不做的,但是这里是位逻辑操作符(bitwise logical operator)的"与",在进行这个运算时,无论第一个条件的结果是什么都会执行第二个的运算,因此,假设str=null,那么第5句的str.length()就会导致NullPointerException,因此本题的错误在于此。
32、Which statements about Java code security are true?
A. The bytecode verifier loads all classes needed for the execution of a program.
B. Executing code is performed by the runtime interpreter.
D. The class loader adds security by separating the namespaces for the classes of the local file system from those imported from network sources.
B. 运行时解释器执行代码。
D. 类加载器通过分离本机文件系统的类和从网络导入的类增加安全性。
33、Given the following code:
static int arr = new int[10];
A. When compilation some error will occur.
C. The output is zero.
A. 编译时将发生错误。
C. 输出为0。
int型数组是类对象,它在类被加载时完成初始化,在前面题目中已经有叙述,由于是原始数据类型int,其初始值为0。 |||
public class Person{
public static void main(String a) {
Which statement is correct?
B. It is correct when compilation but will cause error when running.
D. The output is null.
B. 编译时正确而运行时出错。
D. 输出null。
35、public class Parent {
int s;
return s;
A. int addValue( int a, int b ){// do something...}
C. public int addValue( int a ){// do something...}
D. public int addValue( int a, int b )throws MyException {//do something...}
36、A member variable defined in a class can be accessed only by the classes in the same package. Which modifier should be used to obtain the access control?
B. no modifier
D. protected
37、A public member vairable called MAX_LENGTH which is int type, the value of the variable remains constant value 100. Use a short statement to define the variable.
B. final int MAX_LENGTH=100;
D. public final int MAX_LENGTH=100.
38、Which expressions are correct to declare an array of 10 String objects?
B. char str;
D. String str[10];
39、Which fragments are correct in Java source file?
public class Test{//do something...}
package testpackage;
C. import*;
public class Test{// do something...}
import java.awt.*;
String t = "hello";
Which return true?
B. t.equals(c);
D. t.equals(new String("hello"));
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