选择词 同义词 词义
census count 人口普查
certain inevitable 不可避免地
change convert 兑换
childish immature 幼稚
china porcelain 瓷器
collaborating cooperating 合作
collide with run into 碰撞
compactly densely 密集地
compel force 迫使
complain feel unhappy 抱怨
comprehend understand 理解
confidential secret 秘密
consolidate strengthen 巩固
contaminate pollute 污染
continuously steadily 稳定地
conventional orthodox 传统的
copy duplicate 复制
coverage reportage 覆盖;新闻报道
criticize find fault with 批评
cultivate foster 培养
cure remedy 治疗,补救
damaging harmful 有损害的
danger distress 危险
danger hazard 危险,危害
deadly fatal 致命的
deadly lethal 致命的
decent honest 正派的
decide make up one's mind 打主意
deduce derive 推出,演绎
deliberately intentionally 故意地
demand insist on 坚持
depend on rely on 依靠
depict describe 描写,描绘
deter inhibit 阻止
dimly faintly 昏暗地

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