accurate :“精确的、准确的、正确无误的” 指经过努力或由于细心,谨慎等原因而避免了错误、误差,而使某种事物符合事实及标准要求,尤指做事或说话准确、计算精确。
It goes without saying that your answers are far from being accurate. 毋庸置疑,你的回答根本就不准确。
It took a week of investigation to get a reasonably accurate explanation of the accident. “为了对这个事故做出准确解释,花费了一星期的时间进行调查。”
exact :“精确的、正确的、准确的” 指刚好和事实或标准等相符,着重指无论从质上还是量上都相当精确,尤其强调各细节均与事实丝毫不差,侧重指数字、日子等与事实准确相符。
It was sometime last week, but I cannot remember the exact day.那是在上星期,但我不记得准确的日子了。
The exact wave length assigned to a transmitting station must always be maintained. 发报台一定要保持精确的波长。
precise : “精确的、无误的、严谨的”,除指整体上达到要求的严密和精确程度外,还强调范围界线的鲜明和细节方面完整一致,此外,可用作借喻,指极明显、清楚、谨慎的。
To be precise, my watch is 2 seconds slower than the local standard time. “确切地说,我的手表比当地标准时间慢2 秒。”
She did not understand the precise nature of what she was doing.“她对自己所从事的工作精确性并不了解。”
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