69. (be) out of condition, (be) out of shape, (be) out of sorts 三个短语都有 “健康不佳” 的意思。be out of condition较正式,程度较重,时间较长: be out of shape和be out of sorts 是口语用法,指暂时的身体不适:be out of sorts 还有“情绪不好、心情烦躁”的意思。试比较:
(1) He was out of condition from sitting all day long at the desk
without exercise.
(2) I get tired easily. I must be out of shape.
(3 ) He was feeling out of sorts this morning.
句(1) 表示他整天坐在桌子前不运动,健康状况不好。句(2) 表示我很容易累,一定是健康出了什么问题,是一种暂时的情况,程度较轻。句(3) 表示“他今天早上感到身体不适” 兼有“情绪不好”的意思。

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