
2018军队职称英语综合类阅读精选:Managing In a Global Environment

来源: 2018-09-30 21:05

   Managing In a Global Environment 在全球环境中进行管理

  1.Assume for a moment that you're a manager going to work for a branch of a global organization in a foreign country. You know that your environment will differ from the one at home,but how? What should you be looking for?


  2.Any manager who finds himself or herself in a foreign country faces new challenges. In this section,we'll look at some of those challenges and offer guidelines for responding. Although our discussion is presented through the eyes of a U.S. manager,our analytical framework could be used by any manager who nas to manager in a foreign environment,regardless of national origin.


  3.The Legal-Political Environment


  4.U.S. managers are accustomed to stable legal and political systems.Changes are slow,and legal and political procedures are well established.Elections are held at regular intervals. Even changes in political parties after anelection do not produce radical or quick transformations. The stability of lawsgoverning the actions of individuals and institutions allows for accuratepredictions. The same can't be said for all countries. Managers in a globalorganization must stay informed of the specific laws in countries where they dobusiness.


  5.Also,some countries have a history of unstable governments. Managers ofbusinesses in these countries face dramatically greater uncertainty as a result ofpolitical instability. For instance,political interference is a face of life in someAsian countries.


  6.The legal-political environment doesn't have to be unstable orrevolutionary to be a concern to managers. Just the fact that a country's laws andpolitical system differ from those of the United States is important. Managers mustrecognize these differences if they hope to understand the constraints under whichthey operate and the opportunities that exist.


  7.The Economic Environment


  8.The global manager must be aware of economic issues when doing business in other countries. One of the first is understanding the type of economic system under which the country operates. The two major types are a market economy and a command economy. A market economy is one in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the private sector. A command economy is one in which all economic decisions are planned by a central government. In actuality,no economy is purely market or command. For instance,the United States and the United Kingdom are two countries at the market end of the spectrum but they do have minimal governmental control. The economies of Vietnam and North Korea,however,would be more command-based. Then there's China,a country that's more command based,but is moving to be more market-based. Why would managers need to know about a country's economic system? Because it has the potential to constrain decisions and actions. Other economic issues a manager might need to understand include currency exchange rates,inflation rates,and diverse tax policies.




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