19.better, preferable, superior
better,preferable,superior这一组词均含有比其他人或事物“更有价值或令人喜欢” 之意。
better:“更好的、较好的” 最常用作good 的比较,指某个人或物的品质超过、胜过另一些人或物。还指情况或健康改善,常与ill相对而与well有关。常用短语:had better 最好,for the better ( 变得) 更好,know better than to do 不至于蠢到去干……
The result of the investigation was much better than might have been expected.调查的结果比原来想像的要好得多。
You should know better than to go out without an overcoat on such a cold day. 你不应该糊涂到在这样的冷天不穿大衣就出去。
preferable:“更好的、较好的” 意指经过比较两者之间选择称心如意的东西,其含义弱化而几乎不用,常跟介词to连用动词为prefer,常用短语prefer…rather宁愿……也不愿……A to B ,比起B更偏爱A。
Health without riches is preferable to riches without health. 健 康而无财富较有财富而无健康为佳。
He prefers to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent. 他宁可自己承担全部责任,也不愿把责任推到清白 ( 无辜) 的人身上。
superior:“优良的、上等的、高级的” 此词还强调地位、质量或价值的高度,与介词连用。
No one doubts that modern ways of travelling is superior to those of older time. 无人怀疑现代旅行方法较往昔优越。
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