16. Aware,conscious这一组词均含有“知道、意识到” 之意。
aware“知道、意识到” 一般指通过感官或别人提供的情况对外界事物有所了解。
Though clearly aware of the danger ahead, he accepted the task without fear. “尽管清楚地知道前面有危险,他还是毫不畏惧地接受任务。”
He grew painfully aware that the family was divided in its attitude. 他痛苦地意识到一家人意见有分歧。
conscious“知道的、有意识的、自觉的”,一般指内心所意识到的感觉或感受,. 也可做定语,指“有意识的。”
Having obtained a Doctor's degree in Oxford University , he is deeply conscious of his superiority in his academic field.获得了牛津大学的博士学位,他深知自己在学术方面的优势。
He was aware that someone was talking, but not conscious of what was said. 他觉察到有人在说话,但不知道说的是什么。
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