Landing men on the moon captured the public imagination like few other events this century. It had less to do with science than with demonstrating superiority during the cold war, but the appeal of the adventure meant that the Russians, who retrieved lunar rock samples far more economically using robots, came off very much second best. No one has been back to the moon since the Apollo astronauts left in 1972, so the mission has retained its glamour (魅力).
(46) ______. Most spacecraft are unmanned these days but missions are still unpredictable; a spacecraft was destroyed on the approach to Mars only last month.
Our sights are set on Mars because people still hope to find life there-not the movie director's idea of a Martian (火星), but rather microscopic forms of life hidden beneath the surface to protect them from the cold. Another possible home to life is Jupiters moon, Europe, which seems to have slush (雪泥, 烂泥) beneath its ice crust that is kept warm by tides. (47) ______.
Using our near-space environment is the aim for the foreseeable future, people are even setting up businesses to offer trips in space to rich members of the general public. (48) ______ .It builds on the success of the space shuttle (航天飞机), which proved very flexible and allowed masses of scientific experiments in micro-gravity; and also on Mars, which told us a lot about the physical effects of long duration space flight. The Russians kept it going much longer than anyone expected-you were almost blase (玩腻了的) about the latest crisis.
Beyond our own solar system, we will keep up the search for planets that might sustain life. (49) ______ .You can say: "There are so many stars, some of them with planets, that some of those planets must be conducive (有利的) to live?" But even if that were true, that life might have happened millions of years ago or be going to happen millions of years in the future. (50) ______ .
A. The real excitement surrounds the international space station, which will be built over the next five or six years by countries working collaboratively (共同的) on a spacecraft for the first time.
B. The prospects aren't great.
C. Spacecrafts may help mankind to realize the dream of living on other planets.
D. Although putting people into orbit is now routine, traveling further is not.
E. We now know that stars other than our sun have planets, but there's still a big difference between finding planets and finding life.
F. But exploration is a long way off.

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