大学英语:post-industrial adj. 后工业化的
post- 是一个前缀,表示“后”:如:
post-war policies 战后政策
postdoctoral 博士后的
postgraduate courses 研究生课程
post-harvest storage 收后贮藏
postimpressionism 后印象主义
15.earner n. 赚钱者;获得收入者
earnings n. 挣得的财物;收入,利润
earn v. 挣得,获得
How many earners are there in your family? (你们家几个人挣钱?)
Father is not the only earner in the family. (父亲不是家里唯一挣钱的人。)
What are you going to do with your earnings? (挣来的钱你打算干什么用?)
He earns 40 dollars a day. (他每天挣四十美元。)
How did he make his living? (他靠什么谋生?)
His brave act won him the name of a hero. (他的英勇行为使他得到了英雄的名声。)
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