大学英语:demonstrate v. 说明,演示;论证,证实;示威游行
demonstration n. 论证;表演;示范;示威
The chemistry teacher demonstrated a very interesting experiment to the students. (化学老师给学生们演示了一个有趣的实验。)
How would you demonstrate that the earth goes around the sun? (你如何证明地球围绕太阳转?)
The workers demonstrated for pay increases. (工人们示威要求加薪。)
Would you please give us a demonstration? (你能给我们演示一下吗?)
His speech was a demonstration of his patriotism.(他的演讲是他一片爱国心的证明。)中 华 考 试 网
Tomorrow they will go to the street to stage a demonstration. (明天,他们将上街示威。)
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