大学英语:critical adj.involving making fair,careful judgments about the good and bad qualities of somebo
eg:Try to develop a more critical attitude,instead of accepting everything at face value.要学会对一切事物一丝不苟,而不要注重表面现象.
其他用法:of or at a crisis;decisive;crucial危机中的;危急时刻的;决定性的;关键的
eg:We are at a critical time in our history.我们正处于历史的紧要关头。
衍生:criticize,criticise vt.
①~sb/sth(for sth)point out the faults of sb/sth批评某人[某事物];挑剔;非难
eg:Stop criticizing(my work)!别再挑剔(我那作品)了!
②form and express a judgment on(a work of art,literature,etc)评论(艺术﹑文学等作品)
eg:teaching students how to criticize poetry向学生讲授评论诗歌的方法
criticism n.looking for faults;pointing out faults批评
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