大学英语:Until recently daydreaming was generally
104. Until recently daydreaming was generally considered either a waste of time or a symptom of neurotic tendencies. P1
105. At its best, daydreaming was considered a compensatory substitute for the real things in life. P1
106. As with anything carried to excess, daydreaming can be harmful. P2
107. There is a growing body of evidence to support the fact that most people suffer from a lack of daydreaming rather than an excess of it. P2
108. Daydreaming significantly contributes to intellectual growth, power of concentration, and the ability to interact and communicate with others. P3
109. Daydreaming resulted in improved self-control and enhanced creative thinking ability. P5
110. Contrary to popular belief, constant and conscious effort at solving a problem is, in reality, one of the most inefficient ways of coping with it. P6
111. Whenever confronted with a task which seemed too hard to be dealt with, he would stretch out on his laboratory sofa and let fantasies flood his mind. P7
112. The important thing to remember is to picture these desired objectives as if you had already attained them. P11
113. Daydreaming is highly beneficial to your physical and mental well-being. P13
114. Escape being impossible, the rabbit turned to confront the dog.
115. The difficulties that confront us cannot be overcome.
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