大学英语:strip mining, noise pollution
4. strip mining, noise pollution, offshore oil drilling, waste disposal. Aerosol cans, and nonreturnable beverage containers.
露天采矿, 噪音污染, 深海钻油,废物排放, 喷雾器罐及一次性饮料容器.
5. in fact, there is hardly a realm of national life that is not touched by the controversy that often pits those who style themselves environmentalists against proponents of economic growth in our energy-consumming society. The problem is to balance the needs of the environment against those of the economy or consumers trying to cope with the high cost of living without destroying the earth on which we all depend.
实际上,人类生活的方方面面都同这个争议密切相关.那些自称为环保主义者的人十分关注这个皱议,他们反对社会消耗能源以求发展经济. 问题其实是要在环保需求同经济消耗需求之间找到平衡,既满足生存的高消耗又不能破坏我们依赖的地球.
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