大学英语:Food production,
11. Food production, industrial production. Light industries.
粮食产量, 工业生产, 轻工业
12. I believe Chinese economic authorities recognize the problem and the next Five-Year Plan will address it effectively.
13. Britain lives by commerce. With 2% of the world’s population, we are the world’s fifth largest trading nation. We rely more than any other major economy on the goods and services that we export, the investment that we attract and we make abroad.
英国的生存依赖贸易. 虽然英国人口只占全球的2%, 它却是世界第五大贸易国.英国对商品和服务出口以及对投资和引资的依赖超过了世界上其他主要经济体.14.outward investor, net income, the share of foreign investment.
海外投资, 净收入,
15. what this means is that Britain has direct experience of the benefits that international trade and investment generate.
这意味着英国直接享受到了国际投资所带来的利益., 国际投资的蓬勃发展符合我国利益.
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