

来源: 2018-01-31 16:38

  E. 直接询问具体信息


-Which language do you speak at home?

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A. I speak English very well B. I can speak English and French

C. English is my mother tongue D. English, most of the time

解析:此题属于"询问具体信息"的一个典型例题。用特殊疑问句,询问的主题为:时间、地点、距离、费用、原因、人物、事件等。 在回答的时候应该直扣主题,提供对方需要的信息。本题前三个选项都没有回答对方需要的答案,只有D最佳。


1)-What's the date today?

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A. October B. Wednesday C. Out of date D. The Second of July

解析:此题是询问日期。用"What's the date(今天几号)"提问,因此答案要回答"what",选D.

2)-What time is the next flight to Washington?


A. It's a smaller one B. it's too late

C. it's 1.45 pm D. it sounds good

解析:此题是询问时刻。用"what time…(几点…?)",因此答案应为具体的时刻,选C。

3)-How long will you be away from Italy?


A. Yes, I'll be in Italy B. About a month

C. Yes, it's a long way to Italy D. Since last month

解析:此题询问时间长短。用"How long…(多长时间…)"提问,回答应为一个时间段,选B:"离开了一个月。"

4)-What do you usually do in your spare time?


A. Yes, it's my favorite time B. Gardening

C. No, I'll never do that D. Do it by yourself


5)-What do you find difficult in learning English.


A. Listening and speaking B. Don't be afraid of difficulties

C. Learning English is useful D. Don't be disappointed


6)-Everyone knows where the shop is, but who's the owner?


A. Steve B. Everyone does C. At the next door D. Yes, it's a secret

解析:此题询问人"店主是谁",用"Who…"提问,选A。7)-Whose car is this?


A. it's a Japanese car B. it's my uncle's

C. it's my uncle D. it's my uncle who made it


8)-How many students are from America?


A. Only two of them B. A great deal

C. You know John and Tom D. Third

解析:此题询问数量"多少学生从美国来",用"How many/much…"提问,选A:"就两个"。

9)-How often do you have listening classes in a week?


A. Listening classes are difficult B. Last week and the week before

C. They have no listening classes D. Every Monday and Friday

解析:此题询问频率"一周上几次听力课",用"How often…"提问,选D:"每周一、五"。

10)-What' s the fare to the museum?


A. Five hours B. Five o'clock C. Five miles D. Five dollars

解析:此题询问费用,常用"What's the fare…/How much…"提问,选D。

11)-Your Scarf feels soft and warm. What's it made of?


A. Wool B. Pink C. Australia D. Hand-made

解析:此题询问质地"你的围巾是什么质地",常用"What's it made of"提问,选A:"羊毛"。

12)-What did the manager go to Paris for?


A. No, he was free B. For business

C. Yes, he was on business D. He has been there twice


13)-How do I get to Cairo?


A. I'm sorry. I can't understand

B. You could catch the 9,30 flight and change at Paris

C. I'm afraid you have missed the flight

D. I'm glad to show you the way


14)-Why are you so late?


A. it's a shame B. I came across an old friend

C. Never mind D. That's all right


15)-Where are you from?


A. African B. Britain C. Australian D. American


16)-How are things with you, Bill?


A. Hello, Sue B. I'm terribly busy these days

C. Mind your own business D. See you later

解析:此题询问状况"近况如何",常用"How…"提问,回答可用"very well/ I'm fine.(一切都好);Just so-so(一般)"等回答,此题选B:"我这段时间特别忙"具体说明近况。



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