

来源: 2019-06-16 20:53

Everybody loves an entrepreneurial success story a la Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Arianna Huffington, Mark Cuban, and the like.史蒂夫·乔布斯、埃隆·马斯克、杰夫·贝佐斯、比尔·盖茨、阿里安娜·赫芬顿、和马克·库班的成功故事总能吸引一批鸡汤粉。

Six People You Must Have to Be Successful
Truth be told, each one of those people would be the first to tell you they didn't get where they are today without certain types of people in their lives.但事实上,他们会先告诉你:如果人生中没有一些重要人士的帮助,他们并不会实现如今的成就。
There are six types of people every entrepreneur must have in his or her life to have a chance of achieving success. 在企业管理与发展中,人脉正可以帮你降低创业的难度。以下是企业家想要成功所必需拥有的六类人:
01. Booster支持者
The booster's main purpose is to encourage you when your journey takes an unexpected detour. I wouldn't start another business (or go a day longer into your current venture) until you find someone who will encourage you, regardless of the circumstances.支持者的主要作用在于,当你走弯路时,他们依旧会鼓舞你。不管发生什么事情,没有找到鼓舞者,我就不会投资新项目。
Six People You Must Have to Be Successful
Boosters tend to be spouses, significant others, a close relatives, or an older friend. As hard as is it to build a business, you need as many boosters as you can get in your life.支持者可以是夫妻,重要的人,亲密的亲戚或者是老朋友。正因创业艰难,所以在人生路程中,你需要尽可能多的获取支持。
02. Juror陪审员
A juror in a courtroom passes judgment on a particular case in question after they have all the details. Same idea here. The juror gives you candid feedback about how you are doing, not only in business but also in life.法庭中的陪审员在掌握所有细节之后,会针对案件下判决书。同样的道理,不管是企业管理还是生活私事,陪审员都会直言不讳地向你反馈情况。
Six People You Must Have to Be Successful
On a recent episode of the Follow My Lead podcast, Bob Beaudine called this role a "personal board of directors." So whether you have an actual board of directors or not, it's important you have at least a few jurors in your personal network.播客“追随我“的最近一集中,Bob Beaudine说这一角色可能是“私人的董事会成员。”无论你有没有董事会成员,在你的人脉网中存在一些“陪审员”是很重要的。
03. Adviser建议人
The adviser is the person whom you can call or text in moments of need, as when you're making a big organizational decision or a hiring decision.建议人是你在需要的时候,可以随时联系的人。特别是在你需要做一个重大的组织或者任职决定时。
Six People You Must Have to Be Successful
Often times, they have business experience in and around your field. They make time for you and always give you advice.通常,建议人与你类似的工作经验。他们会为你腾出时间,并总是乐意为你提出建议。
Sometimes their advice isn't what you want to hear because it counters what you are thinking and that's exactly why they are so important. Keep in mind, their intention is to help you or your business be successful--that's it.有时候,他们的建议并不是你想要的,仅仅因为建议正与你的想法相反。而这正是这类人很重要的原因。要记住,他们的本意正是帮助你,从而让你的企业成功。
04. Partner合伙人
The partner is the yin to your yang. They have complementary skills to fill in your weaknesses. Contrary to popular belief, this doesn't have to be a 50-50 co-founder. The partner is usually an internal person who knows you and the company like the back of his or her hand.合伙人会与你“阴阳互补”。他们拥有可以弥补你弱项的技能。与常识不同的是,这并不说你需要一个五五分的合伙人。合伙人通常是一个十分了解你和公司背景的内部人员。
Six People You Must Have to Be Successful
Because of this, working with partners can be difficult at times, but ultimately the business wouldn't survive without them.正因为如此,与合伙人共事有时候会有点困难,但没有他们,企业终将无法生存。
05. Collaborator合作者
Every single entrepreneur must have someone who can listen to ideas and quickly pass some kind of judgment. That is the collaborator by definition: someone who will help you explore new business ideas, products, campaigns, or anything in between.每一个企业家在他的一生中,都会有一些能倾听他们想法,并给予友好判断的旁观者。这就是合作者的含义:这些人会帮助你开阔新的商业理念、产品、活动或者兼而有之。
Six People You Must Have to Be Successful
The best collaborators have great imaginations and ideation is reciprocal.最棒的合作者有超强的想象力,而且这样的思维互动过程也是互惠的。
06. Incentivizer激励者
The incentivizer is someone who has doubted you, told you you couldn't do it, or mentioned you weren't good enough. This person's words or actions have been burned into your mind and keep you motivated and moving forward to prove him or her wrong. The most important thing the incentivizer did for you was incite action.激励者正是那些怀疑你,告诉你无法成功或者说你不够强的人。这些言语深深地印刻在你的脑海里,并且让你不断前行来证明他们是错的。最重要的是,他们对你做的事就是为了激励和刺激你。
If you can't quickly identify all six of these people in your life, then you have built a network to help you succeed. If you see gaps, the best part is: You can take action today.如果你无法在生活中迅速找到这六类人的话,那么你就需要建立这样的人脉网来帮你实现成功。如果你看到了其中的差距,别担心。好消息是:你现在就可以行动起来。



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