A.have been carried away with their fear of the gloomy employment prospect
B.will be able to deliver more money than value to the taxpayers
C.decide that they curious about the government’s outsourcing contracts
D.are becoming very curious about the government’s outsourcing contracts
A.the economic recession in November 2001
B.the forecasts of George Bush’s economists
C.the flow of job chances into developing countries
D.the rich natural resources in China and India
开始考试点击查看答案A.the exclusive control of the market forces by the rich.
B.the dominant control of the new technologies by a particular sector
C.the powerful control of the K-sector over the C-and S-sectors
D.the ignorance of the social indicators of race, gender, and class in understanding inequality
开始考试点击查看答案A.The new skill-based technological innovation initiates the present wage inequality.
B.The maintenance of wage inequality is necessary to fighting inflation.
C.Worldwide competition entails an increase in wage inequality.
D.Transfer payment to the rich has made the rich even richer.
开始考试点击查看答案A.it is a condition created by the labor market.
B.there is an overall decline in the world’s economy.
C.technological innovation has not produced the desired result.
D.the number of people on welfare has decreased.
开始考试点击查看答案A.is devoted to analyzing why economic boom usually goes with wage inequality.
B.reviews the dominant neoclassical economic discourse of our time.
C.recommends resolving the present problem by neoconservative social policy.
D.attributes the present increasing wage inequality to several factors.
开始考试点击查看答案A.the unavoidable economic cycle
B.the poor performance of Bush government
C.the unhealthy structure of the economy
D.the booming economy at the beginning of the decade
开始考试点击查看答案A.recovers very quickly in the next year or so.
B.further deteriorates in the coming years.
C.sees a mild recovery within the coming decade.
D.remains unchanged within the coming decad
开始考试点击查看答案A.is the chief reason for the high unemployment rate in the US.
B.is nothing compared with the job loss within the US.
C.is profoundly changing the structure of the American economy.
D.equals the number of jobs created each month in the US.
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