胎膜破裂 rupture of membranes
胎膜破裂 rupture of membranes
胎膜早破 premature rupture of membranes
胎膜先破 early rupture of membranes
分娩 delivery, parturition
足月分娩 term labor, term delivery
顺产 spontaneous delivery
分娩机制 mechanism of labor
衔接 engagement
下降 descent
俯屈 flexion
内旋转 internal rotation
仰伸 extention
外旋转 external rotation
娩出 expulsion
早产 premature delivery
产力异常 abnormal uterine action
宫缩乏力 uterine inertia
高直位 sincipital presentation
面先露 face presentation
胎头过度仰伸 hyperextension of fetal head
额先露 brow presentation
颏前位 mentoanterior position
颏后位 mentoposterior position
持续性枕横位 persistent occipitotransverse position
持续性枕后位 persistent occipitoposterior position
肩难产 shoulder dystocia
肩先露 shoulder presentation
忽略性肩先露 neglected shoulder presentation
复合先露 compound presentation
头盆不称 cephalopelvic disproportion, CPD
骨盆入口狭窄 contracted pelvic inlet
中骨盆狭窄 contracted midpelvis
骨盆出口狭窄 contracted pelvic outlet
扁平骨盆 flat pelvis
漏斗骨盆 funnel shaped pelvis
均小骨盆 generally contracted pelvis
滞产 prolonged labor
难产 dystocia
产科出血 obstetric hemorrhage
产前出血 antepartum hemorrhage
低置胎盘 low-lying placenta
前置胎盘 placenta praevia
完全性前置胎盘 total placenta praevia
部分性前置胎盘 partial placenta praevia
边缘性前置胎盘 marginal placenta praevia
胎盘早剥 placental abruption
胎盘嵌顿 placental incarceration
侵入性胎盘 placenta accreta
植入性胎盘 placenta increta
穿透性胎盘 placenta percreta
子宫内翻 inversion of uterus
产道裂伤 laceration of birth canal
会阴裂伤 perineal laceration
会阴阴道裂伤 colpoperineal laceration
产后出血 postpartum hemorrhage
晚期产后出血 late postpartum hemorrhage
产褥期 puerperium
初乳 colostrum
哺乳 lactation
母乳喂养 breast feeding
产后宫缩痛 after-pains
恶露 lochia
血性恶露 lochia rubra
浆液恶露 lochia serosa
白色恶露 lochia alba
产褥感染 puerperal infection
子宫复旧 involution of uterus
子宫复旧不全 subinvolution
围生医学 perinatology
高危妊娠 high-risk pregnancy
妊娠水肿 gestational edema
妊娠蛋白尿 gestational proteinuria
妊娠高血压 gestational hypertension
妊娠高血压综合征 pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, PIH
轻度妊高征 mild PIH
中度妊高征 moderate PIH
重度妊高征 severe PIH
先兆子痫 preeclampsia
子痫 eclampsia
并发先兆子痫 superimposed preeclampsia
并发子痫 superimposed eclampsia
暴发子痫 fulminant eclampsia
羊水过多 hydramnios, polyhydramnios
羊水过少 oligohydramnios
痉挛性狭窄环 constriction ring
子宫破裂 rupture of uterus
妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症 intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, ICP
妊娠急性脂肪肝 acute fatty liver of pregnancy
妊娠急性黄色肝萎缩 obstetric acute yellow liver atrophy
胎儿学 fetology
胎儿 fetus
胎儿窘迫 fetal distress
胎粪 meconium
胎毛 lanugo
死胎 fetal death
滞留死胎 missed labor
压扁胎 fetus compressus
纸样胎 fetus papyraceous
石胎 lithopedion
死产 stillbirth
新生儿学 neonatology
新生儿 neonate, newborn
足月儿 term infant
双胎儿 twins
多胎儿 multiple fetuses
单卵双胎儿 monovular twins, identical twins, monozygotic twins
双卵双胎儿 binovular twins, dizygotic twins
联体儿 conjoined twins
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