

来源: 2018-02-28 16:26

acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节

  air bronchogram 支气管影像

  ankle joint 踝关节

  ankylosis of joint 关节强直

  arches of foot 足弓

  biligrafin 胆影葡胺

  bone age 骨龄

  bone canaliculi 骨小管

  bone cortex 骨皮质

  bone deformity 骨骼变形

  bone destruction 骨质破坏

  bone lacuna 骨陷窝

  bone lamella 骨板

  bony articular surface 骨关节面

  bursa 滑膜囊

  calcification 钙化

  carpal bones 腕骨

  cavity 空洞

  chondral calcification 软骨钙化

  compact bone and spongy bone 密质骨和松质骨

  degeneration of joint 关节退行性变

  destruction of joint 关节破坏

  diaphysis 骨干

  digital subtraction angiography, DSA 数字减影血管造影

  dislocation of joint 关节脱位

  dual photon absorptiometry, DPA 双光子吸收法

  dual X-ray energy absorptiometry, DXA 双能X线吸收法

  elbow joint 肘关节

  encapsulated effusion 包裹性积液

  end plate 终板

  epiphyseal line 骨骺线

  epiphyseal plate 骨骺板

  epiphysis 骨骺

  exudation 渗出

  fibrotic lesion 纤维性病变

  filling defect 充盈缺损

  free pleural effusion 游离性胸腔积液

  haemosiderosis 含钱血黄素沉着

  Hafersian system 哈弗系统

  haversian lamella 哈氏骨板

  hilar dance 肺门舞蹈

  hip joint 髋关节

  hydropneumothorax 液气胸

  hydroxyapatite crystal 羟基磷灰石结晶

  hyperostosis/osteosclerosis 骨质增生硬化

  intercondyloid eminence 髁间隆起

  interlobar effusion 叶间积液

  intermediate lamella 骨间板

  internal and external circumfereutial lamella 内、外环骨板

  interstitial pulmonary oedema 间质性肺水肿

  intervertebral disc 椎间盘

  intervertebral foramen 椎间孔

  intervertenral space 椎间隙

  intra-alveolar pulmonary oedema 肺泡性肺水肿

  joint 关节

  joint capsule 关节囊

  joint cartilage 关节软骨

  joint cavity 关节腔

  joint space 关节间隙

  knee joint 膝关节

  lamellar bone 层板骨

  left atrial enlargement 左心房增大

  left ventricular enlargement 左心室增大

  ligament 韧带

  localized pleural effusion 局限性胸腔积液

  looser zone 假骨折线

  mass 肿块

  medullary space 骨髓腔

  metacarpal bones 掌骨

  metaphysis 干骺端

  metatarsal bones 跖骨

  niche 龛影

  obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不张

  obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺气肿

  oral cholecystography 口服胆囊造影

  ossifcation 骨化

  ossification centre 骨化中心

  osteoblast 成骨细胞

  osteoclast 破骨细胞

  osteocyte 骨细胞

  osteomalacia 骨质软化

  osteonecrosis 骨质坏死

  osteoporosis 骨质疏松

  periosteal proliferation 骨膜增生

  periosteal reaction 骨膜反应

  periosteum and intermal periosteum 骨膜和骨内膜

  phalanges of fingers 指骨

  phalanges of toes 趾骨

  pleural thickening,adhesion and calaification 胸膜增厚、粘连及钙化

  pleural tumor 胸膜肿瘤

  pneumothorax 气胸

  proliferative lesion 增殖性病变

  pulmonary hilar enlargement 肺门增大

  pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺动脉高压

  pulmonary arterial pleonaemia 肺充血

  pulmonary hypertension 肺高压

  pulmonary oligaemia 肺少血

  pulmonary venous hypertension 肺静脉高压

  pulmonary venous pleonaemia 肺淤血

  quantitative computed tomography, QCT 定量CT法

  right atrial enlargement 右心房增大

  right ventricular enlargement 右心室增大

  sequestrum 死骨

  shoulder joint 肩关节

  soft tissue mass 软组织肿胀

  soft tissue swelling 软组织肿胀

  subpulmonary effusion 肺下积液

  swelling of joint 关节肿胀

  tarsal bones 跗骨

  tibia tuberosity 胫骨粗隆

  trabecula 骨小梁

  Volkmann canal 福尔克曼管

  woven bone 非层板骨

  wrist 腕关节

  abestosis 石棉肺

  acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS 艾滋病

  actinomycosis 放线菌病

  acute military tuberculosis 急性粟粒型肺结核

  agenesis and hypoplasia of the lung 肺不发育和肺发育不全

  allergic pneumonia 过敏性肺炎

  aluminum pneumoconiosis 铝尘肺

  amyloidosis of lung 肺淀粉样变性

  angiogram sign 血管造影征

  anthracosis 炭黑尘肺

  aspergillosis 曲菌病

  bronchiectasis 支气管扩张

  bronchogenic cyst 支气管囊肿

  bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎

  broncho-pulmonary sequestration 支气管肺隔离症

  butterfly sign 蝶翼征

  cement pneumoconiosis 水泥尘肺

  chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎

  chronic pneumonia 慢性肺炎

  coalworker pneumoconiosis 煤工尘肺

  congenital bronchial cysts 先天性支气管囊肿

  contusion of lung 肺挫伤

  cryptococcosis 隐球菌病

  cylindrical bronchiectasis 柱状支扩

  dermoid cyst 皮样囊肿

  diaphragmatic eventeration 膈膨升

  diaphragmatic hermia 膈疝

  electric welder pneumoconiosis 电焊工尘肺

  esophageal cyst 食管囊肿

  foreign body of chest 胸部异物

  foundry worker pneumoconiosis 铸工尘肺

  Goodpasture syndrome 肺-肾综合征

  graphite pneumoconiosis 石墨尘肺

  halo sign 晕轮征

  hamartoma 错构瘤

  hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis 血行播散型肺结核(II型)

  Hodgkin lymphoma 霍奇金淋巴瘤

  Hodgkin disease, HD 霍奇金病

  honeycomb lung 蜂窝状肺

  hydropneumothorax 液气胸

  inflammatory pseudotumor 炎性假瘤

  interstitial pneumonia 间质性肺炎

  intrathoracic goiter 胸内甲状腺

  kaolin pneumoconiosis 陶工尘肺

  Kaposi sarcoma 卡波济肉瘤

  laceration and hematoma of lung 肺撕裂伤与肺血肿

  laceration of trachea and bronchus 气管及支气管裂伤

  lipoma 脂肪瘤

  lobar pneumonia 大叶性肺炎

  Loffler syndroma 吕弗留综合征

  lung abscess 肺脓肿

  lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤

  lymphoma 淋巴瘤

  mediastinal emphysema 纵隔气肿

  mediastinal hematorma 纵隔血肿

  mediastinal tumor 纵隔肿瘤

  mediastinitis 纵隔炎

  mesothelial cyst 间皮囊肿

  mesothelioma of pleura 胸膜间皮瘤

  metastatic tumor of pleura 胸膜转移瘤

  mica pneumoconiosis 云母尘肺

  neurogenic neoplasms 神经源性肿瘤

  non Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL 非霍奇金淋巴瘤

  pleural thickening, adhesion and calcification胸膜肥厚粘连和钙化

  pleuro-peritoneal hiatus hernia 胸腹裂孔疝

  pneumocomosis 尘肺

  pneumomediastinum 纵隔气肿

  pneumothorax 气胸

  primary complex 原发综合征

  primary tuberculosis 原发性肺结核(I型)

  pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis 肺泡微石症

  pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 肺泡蛋白沉积症



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