italian words are divided into syllables as follows:
a single consonant goes with the following vowel.
italian english
ca–sa house
po–si–ti–vo positive
double consonants are divided.
italian english
bab–bo dad
ros–so red
bel–lo beautiful
at–to act
two consonants, the first of which is l, m, n, or r, are divided.
italian english
al–ber–go hotel
con–ten–to contented
am–pio ample
for–tu–na fortune
otherwise, a combination of two consonants belongs to the following syllable.
italian english
ba–sta enough
fi–glio son
pa–dre father
ba–gno bath
so–pra above
sa–cro sacred
the first of three consonants, except s, goes with the preceding syllable.
italian english
sem–pre always
fel–tro felt
mem–bro member
men–tre while
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