

2020-06-30 07:33
2010 年 3 月公共英语一级考试真题 第一部分 听力理解 1-25 略 第二部分 英语知识运用 第一节 单项填空 阅读下面的句子和对话,从[A] A] ] 、[A] B] ] 、[A] C] ] 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 26. He had to teach______ways of doing business with. foreigners. A] [A] A] ] himself B] [A] B] ] herself C] [A] C] ] oneself 27. We were given a week to______ready for the trip abroad. A] [A] A] ] make B] [A] B] ] get C] [A] C] ] take 28. The doctor told him to______drinking for the good of his health. A] [A] A] ] give out B] [A] B] ] give up C] [A] C] ] give back 29. Sally and Joy are______nurses in a big hospital and they are good friends. A] [A] A] ] both B] [A] B] ] either C] [A] C] ] neither 30. I believe his information about the weather______not true. A] [A] A] ] does B] [A] B] ] is C] [A] C] ] are 31. --C] an you do it by yourself? --I would like John______me. A] [A] A] ] helps B] [A] B] ] help C] [A] C] ] to help 32. We'l arrive this evening if we don't have any______with this car. A] [A] A] ] trouble B] [A] B] ] matter C] [A] C] ] question 33. Peter could not believe his eyes______he saw old Jimmy dancing. A] [A] A] ] when B] [A] B] ] since C] [A] C] ] if 34. Little Mary is still______her twenties, but she is a famous singer now. A] [A] A] ] in B] [A] B] ] on C] [A] C] ] at 35. Mrs. Poole is a bad dancer, but her husband is even______. A] [A] A] ] better B] [A] B] ] worse C] [A] C] ] bad 36. Jack called from C] anada as______as he arrived there. A] [A] A] ] soon B] [A] B] ] quickly C] [A] C] ] possibly 37. A] nnie's friends she______breakfast. are going to drive her to C] ambridge after A] [A] A] ] has B] [A] B] ] had C] [A] C] ] will have 38. These oranges taste so______. Would you like to have one? A] [A] A] ] good B] [A] B] ] well C] [A] C] ] better 39. Linda______a red dress and went out with her sister. A] [A] A] ] put on B] [A] B] ] puts on C] [A] C] ] was putting on 40. --Jack just came to B] eijing yesterday evening. Have you met him? ______. A] [A] A] ] Not at all B] [A] B] ] Not yet C] [A] C] ] No problem 第二节 完型填空 阅读下面短文,从短文所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。 -- Though every morning I queue(排队) at the bus stop very early, I am often (41) for school. The reason is that there are (42) buses for all the people who queue up at the stop, and the buses often arrive there late. (43) the time table,there should be a bus (44) fifteen minutes, but one often has to wait (45) hour for a bus to arrive. B] y the time the bus arrives, (46) so many people in the queue that those near the (47) can't get on the bus and (48) to wait for another thirty minutes before the (49) bus arrives. I wish the bus (50) would put more buses on. 41. A] [A] A] ] early B] [A] B] ] late C] [A] C] ] on time 42. A] [A] A] ] too few B] [A] B] ] quite a few C] [A] C] ] quite a lot 43. A] [A] A] ] Instead of B] [A] B] ] A] ccording to C] [A] C] ] B] ecause of 44. A] [A] A] ] other B] [A] B] ] another C] [A] C] ] every 45. A] [A] A] ] half an B] [A] B] ] half a C] [A] C] ] half of 46. A] [A] A] ] there are B] [A] B] ] they are C] [A] C] ] they have 47. A] [A] A] ] stop B] [A] B] ] bus C] [A] C] ] end 48. A] [A] A] ] has B] [A] B] ] have C] [A] C] ] had 49. A] [A] A] ] last B] [A] B] ] other C] [A] C] ] next 50. A] [A] A] ] station B] [A] B] ] driver
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2010年3月公共英语一级考试真题 第 1 页2010年3月公共英语一级考试真题 第 2 页2010年3月公共英语一级考试真题 第 3 页2010年3月公共英语一级考试真题 第 4 页2010年3月公共英语一级考试真题 第 5 页


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