2004 年湖南公务员行测考试真题及答案
第一部分 基础知识
(共 30 题 参考时限 25 分钟)
A、切从实际出发 切从实际出发
B、切从实际出发 实事求是
C、切从实际出发 理论联系实际
D、切从实际出发 在实践中检验真理和发展真理
1、切从实际出发 2003 年中共十六届三中全会通过了《中共中央关于修改宪法部分内容的建议》,
建议提出将( )重要思想写人宪法。
A、切从实际出发 依法治国
B、切从实际出发 三个代表
C、切从实际出发 发展生产力
D、切从实际出发 以人为本
2、切从实际出发 2003 年 10 月 15 日“神舟五号”的成功发射,是中国成为世界上继( ) 之后拥有载
A、切从实际出发 英国、切从实际出发 俄罗斯、切从实际出发 美国
C、切从实际出发 法国、切从实际出发 俄罗斯
B、切从实际出发 英国、切从实际出发 美国、切从实际出发 法国
D、切从实际出发 俄罗斯、切从实际出发 美国
3、切从实际出发 2003 年 8 月 27 日至 29 日,中国、切从实际出发 朝鲜、切从实际出发 美国、切从实际出发 俄罗斯、切从实际出发 韩国、切从实际出发 日本六国代表
在( )举行会议,为和平解决朝鲜半岛核问题迈出了重要一步。
A、切从实际出发 平壤
B、切从实际出发 东京
C、切从实际出发 莫斯科
D、切从实际出发 北京
4、切从实际出发 “拔苗助长”事与愿违,“疱丁解牛”事半功倍。这两则寓言故事的不同结果反映的同
A、切从实际出发 不同的人对同一事物会有不同的反映
B、切从实际出发 人具有认识和利用规律的主观能动性
C、切从实际出发 发挥主观能动性要以掌握客观规律为基础
D、切从实际出发 内因是事物发展的根本原因
5、切从实际出发 近年来,网吧呈高速发展之态势,让人欢喜让人忧。喜的是网吧出现是我国经济
会公害。网吧的发展 “让人欢喜让人忧”表明:
A、切从实际出发 矛盾包含着既对立又统一的关系
C、切从实际出发 不同的矛盾具有不同的特点
B、切从实际出发 矛盾是普遍存在的
D、切从实际出发 两点论和重点论是统一的
6、切从实际出发 1927 年大革命失败后,中国革命面临生死存亡的紧急关头,毛泽东果断提出了 (
宜都市认真贯彻省、切从实际出发 宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展安全生产年
“ 活”动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间 leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1 people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more tha n 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cos t of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices mus t be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first, under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty cons umption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the loca l financial situation and people's sustaina bility, public servants ' duty cons umption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing throug h. Third, according to the operationa l needs of civ il servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty
consumption standa rds, both high and low positions, but als o the na ture of the work and the workload.
In reform of method Shang, approved civ il servants pos itions cons umption standard to "big unified, and small dispersed" suita ble, that most pos itions cons umption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standa rd, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible dis posal right; but since set of standa rd must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty cons umption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty cons umption use of subsidies. Therefore, we mus t establis h and perfect with public
servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civ il service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up.
Discipline inspection and supervis ion organs, financial, auditing departments should streng then supervision and inspection of public servants ' duty cons umption monetization reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants ' duty cons umption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants ' duty cons umption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants ' duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demons trated its importa nce and urgency. Firs t of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and
public servants ' duty consumption there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the
A、切从实际出发 以农村包围城市、切从实际出发 武装夺取政权
B、切从实际出发 新民主主义向社会主义转变
C、切从实际出发 反对党内主观主义和教条主义
D、切从实际出发 建立新民主主义革命统一战线
7、切从实际出发 在改革开发过程中如何解决( )的关系问题一直是邓小平经济理论的重要内容。
A、切从实际出发 物质文明与精神文明
B、切从实际出发 计划与市场
C、切从实际出发 宏观调控与微观调控
D、切从实际出发 社会稳定与经济发展
8、切从实际出发 我国社会主义基本经济制度的基础是:
A、切从实际出发 社会主义公有制
B、切从实际出发 全民所有制经济
C、切从实际出发 集体所有制经济
D、切从实际出发 非公有制经济
9、切从实际出发 选举权和被选举权是我国公民最基本的政治权利。其选举权是指:
A、切从实际出发 公民选举国家机关工作人员的权利
B、切从实际出发 公民选举国家最高权力机关代表的权利
C、切从实际出发 公民选举本单位人民代表的权利
D、切从实际出发 公民选举人民代表大会制度的权利
10、切从实际出发 ①国家职能和国家机构作为国家形式,体现国家性质;②国家性质是国家机构设
置的依据;③国家性质决定国家职能,国家职能决定国家机构的设置;④ 国家机构的设置
适应国家职能的需要,国家职能的行使维护统治阶级的权益。上述对国家性质、切从实际出发 国家职能
A、切从实际出发 ①②
B、切从实际出发 ③④
C、切从实际出发 ①③
D、切从实际出发 ②④
11、切从实际出发 行政机关及其工作人员承担行政赔偿责任的前提是:
A、切从实际出发 刑事违法
B、切从实际出发 行政侵权
C、切从实际出发 行政不当
D、切从实际出发 经济违法
12、切从实际出发 行政复议申请人提出复议申请后,复议机关作出复议决定前,当事人:
A、切从实际出发 有权撤回申请
B、切从实际出发 无权撤回申请
C、切从实际出发 经复议机关同意,可以撤回申请
D、切从实际出发 经被申请人同意,可以撤回申请
13、切从实际出发 王讲师对本校职称评定委员会作出的不予晋升副教授的决定不服,能否向人民法
A、切从实际出发 可以提出诉讼
B、切从实际出发 不能提起诉讼
C、切从实际出发 只能申请复议
D、切从实际出发 先复议,再起诉
14、切从实际出发 某市规划局批准了张富的建房申请,因该房处于河岸边,遂被水利部门以违章建
A、切从实际出发 共同被告
C、切从实际出发 第三人
B、切从实际出发 原告
D、切从实际出发 不能作为诉讼参与人
15、切从实际出发 行政组织纵向层次协调包括行政指导和:
A、切从实际出发 行政授权
B、切从实际出发 行政参与
C、切从实际出发 行政分权
D 、切从实际出发 行政委托
宜都市认真贯彻省、切从实际出发 宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展安全生产年
“ 活”动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间 leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1 people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more tha n 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cos t of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices mus t be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first, under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty cons umption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the loca l financial situation and people's sustaina bility, public servants ' duty cons umption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing throug h. Third, according to the operationa l needs of civ il servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty
consumption standa rds, both high and low positions, but als o the na ture of the work and the workload.
In reform of method Shang, approved civ il servants pos itions cons umption standard to "big unified, and small dispersed" suita ble, that most pos itions cons umption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standa rd, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible dis posal right; but since set of standa rd must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty cons umption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty cons umption use of subsidies. Therefore, we mus t establis h and perfect with public
servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civ il service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up.
Discipline inspection and supervis ion organs, financial, auditing departments should streng then supervision and inspection of public servants ' duty cons umption monetization reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants ' duty cons umption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants ' duty cons umption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants ' duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demons trated its importa nce and urgency. Firs t of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and
public servants ' duty consumption there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the
16、切从实际出发 国家机关的载体是:
A、切从实际出发 国家权力机关
B、切从实际出发 政府机构
C、切从实际出发 各级党委机关
D、切从实际出发 审判机关、切从实际出发 检察机关
17、切从实际出发 我国社会主义市场经济,既有一般市场经济的共性,又有自己的显著特点,这些
A、切从实际出发 社会主义市场经济遵循价值规律的要求。
B、切从实际出发 社会主义市场经济体制下的企业有独立的物质利益。
C、切从实际出发 社会主义市场经济体制同社会主义基本制度结合在一起。
D、切从实际出发 社会主义市场经济是通过市场竞争达到资源优化配置。
18、切从实际出发 ①把经济资源向经济效益好的企业集中;②始终保持市场的供求状况趋于平衡;
A、切从实际出发 ①②③
B、切从实际出发 ①③
C、切从实际出发 ②④
D、切从实际出发 ①③⑤
19、切从实际出发 ①把按劳分配和按生产要素分配结合起来;②允许和鼓励资本、切从实际出发 技术等生产要素
除收人差距,防止两极分化。以上做法符合我国现阶段按劳分配为主体、切从实际出发 多种分配方式并
A、切从实际出发 ①②④
B、切从实际出发 ①④
C、切从实际出发 ②③④
D、切从实际出发 ①②
20、切从实际出发 从所有制结构来看,我国社会主义经济区别于资本主义经济的根本特征是:
A、切从实际出发 全民所有制经济是我国社会主义经济的主体
B、切从实际出发 坚持公有制的主体地位
C、切从实际出发 存在多种性质的所有制结构
D、切从实际出发 既存在公有制经济,又存在私有制经济
21、切从实际出发 ①非公有制经济的地位有所提高;②非公有制经济不再是非社会主义性质的经济 ;
A、切从实际出发 ①②③
B、切从实际出发 ②③④
C、切从实际出发 ①③④
D、切从实际出发 ①②④
22、切从实际出发 下面关于电子政务的说法,错误的是:
A、切从实际出发 电子政务是现代电子信息技术在政府工作中的全面应用。
B、切从实际出发 电子政务是借助电子信息技术而进行的政务活动。
C、切从实际出发 电子政务建设就是将政府原来的职能和业务流程电子化或网络化。
D、切从实际出发 电子政务建设对政府行政方式和组织结构的优化重组具有极大的促进作用。
宜都市认真贯彻省、切从实际出发 宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展安全生产年
“ 活”动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间 leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1 people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more tha n 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cos t of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices mus t be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first, under the existing policy provisions approved for public servants ' duty cons umption standards, calibration, is not contrary to policy. Second, according to the loca l financial situation and people's sustaina bility, public servants ' duty cons umption standards approved, both financial reach, and people passing throug h. Third, according to the operationa l needs of civ il servants responsible for authorized public servants ' duty
consumption standa rds, both high and low positions, but als o the na ture of the work and the workload.
In reform of method Shang, approved civ il servants pos itions cons umption standard to "big unified, and small dispersed" suita ble, that most pos itions cons umption project should according to policy provides proposed unified standa rd, consider to ranks, and units and the work task of differences sex, unified of standard should has elastic of and dynamic of, makes regions, and units in implementation unified standard Shi has must of flexible dis posal right; but since set of standa rd must after financial, and audit, sector audit approved Hou to implementation. (C) reform package. Public servants ' duty cons umption elasticity of consumption to limit consumption, turning mess into kitchen after dinner, follow the civil servant with a how to use personal title subsidies, or how to manage a personal duty cons umption use of subsidies. Therefore, we mus t establis h and perfect with public
servants ' duty consumption monetization reform support of the series of governance systems such as the civ il service examination of responsibility, system, low fault investigation system, the report said. While other measures to keep up.
Discipline inspection and supervis ion organs, financial, auditing departments should streng then supervision and inspection of public servants ' duty cons umption monetization reform progress, to strengthen the reform of public servants ' duty cons umption monetization system, measures to develop and monitor the implementation of inspection, not consumption as required, even shifting consumer behavior to stop, serious cases to deal with. Three ideas, public servants ' duty cons umption monetization reform of politics, the economy and the deepening of the reform, public servants ' duty consumption as somewhere between a reform also demons trated its importa nce and urgency. Firs t of all, civil servants especially party and Government leaders and
public servants ' duty consumption there are big drawbacks. NPC deputies and CPPCC members and the broad masses are concerned about. Secondly, the
23、切从实际出发 以下说法正确的是:
A、切从实际出发 在撰写总结报告正文的主体部分时,可按时间的顺序安排层次。
B、切从实际出发 批复具有专业性,一般有专业主管部门在一定业务范围内发布。
C、切从实际出发 决定的正文部分有制定决定的根据、切从实际出发 执行要求、切从实际出发 结尾三大部分组成。
D、切从实际出发 通知的标题有发文机关名称、切从实际出发 事由、切从实际出发 文号和文种组成。
24、切从实际出发 撰写《关于审批第三批国家历史文化名城和加强保护管理的请示》一文时,符合
A、切从实际出发 请示内容必须是属于本机关职权范围内的问题。
B、切从实际出发 一般情况下,可以不按机关隶属关系越级呈报。
C、切从实际出发 适宜采用概括叙述、切从实际出发 抒情说明的表达方式,避免罗列数字。
D、切从实际出发 可同时要求对历史文化名城周边的自然风景区加以保护管理。
25、切从实际出发 通知按内容和用途可以分为四种。《中共湖南省委办公厅、切从实际出发 湖南省人民政府办公
A、切从实际出发 发布性通知
B、切从实际出发 指示性通知
C、切从实际出发 知照性通知
D、切从实际出发 转发行通知
26、切从实际出发 下列有关国家公务员权利的说法错误的是:
A、切从实际出发 非因法定事由不被免职、切从实际出发 降职、切从实际出发 辞退或行政处分。
B、切从实际出发 由于主观原因不愿意继续担任公职时,可行使辞职权。
27、切从实际出发 政府职能中最为核心的基本职能是:
A、切从实际出发 政治职能
B、切从实际出发 经济职能
C、切从实际出发 文化职能
D、切从实际出发 社会职能
28、切从实际出发 在国际贸易中,一个国家由海关直接对进口商品的数量、切从实际出发 品种加以限制,如进口
限额制、切从实际出发 进口许可证制等等,这属于:
A、切从实际出发 关税壁垒
B、切从实际出发 非关税壁垒
C、切从实际出发 技术壁垒
D、切从实际出发 非倾销壁垒
29、切从实际出发 下列哪项不属于关税与贸易总协定的基本原则?
A、切从实际出发 政府采购原则
B、切从实际出发 国民待遇原则
C、切从实际出发 取消数量限制原则
D、切从实际出发 禁止倾销原则
30、切从实际出发 下列有关世贸组织争端解决的说法正确的是:
A、切从实际出发 调停是以第三方的中立身份直接参与有关当事方的谈判。
B、切从实际出发 调解是第三方以各种方式促成当事方进行谈判的行为。
C、切从实际出发 斡旋是将争端交调解机构,使争端双方达成一致意见。
宜都市认真贯彻省、切从实际出发 宜昌市安全生产教育培训工作有关精神,按照继续深入开展安全生产年
“ 活”动要求,扎实推进安全生产宣传教育行动,以全市经济发展为首要,努力拓展培训空间 leaders driving a vehicle accident caused by road accidents, 1, 1 people killed and direct economic losses amounting to more tha n 100,000 yuan. Third, high efficiency and low cos t of the bus. Surveys show that, the operating costs of taxis for the 8200/... Is a fundamental priority of the reform, it is a difficult problem that must be solved in the reform process. Clearly, the post consumption averages three years before as a base and fine-tuned on the basis of this single practices mus t be improved. Improvements to adhere to three principles: first, un
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