

2020-07-19 22:23
2019 年贵州省黔西南州中考英语真题试卷 一、情景交际.根据所给情景选择最佳答案(10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1.(2 分)﹣Hello!How are you? ﹣ ( ) A.Who are you? B.I'm fine,thank you.And you? C.How do you do? D.Nice to meet you. 2.(2 分)﹣Excuse me,what's the time now? ﹣ ( ) A.It's Friday. B.It's sunny. C.It's October 1st.D.It's half past ten. 3.(2 分)﹣I'm sorry for causing you so much trouble. ﹣ ( ) A.You are kind. B.It is certain. C.It doesn't matter. D.I am sorry,too. 4.(2 分)﹣ ﹣I want to buy a new dress for my mother.( ) A.What can I do for you? B.Where is your mother? C.What are you doing? D.How much is this? 5.(2 分)﹣Would you please help me move this desk? ﹣ ( ) A.Of course not. B.Certainly. C.I agree with you. D.I am OK. 6.(2 分)﹣Excuse me,how can I go to the city bookstore? ﹣ ( ) A.Yes,you can. B.It's all right. C.Turn left at the corner. D.I don't think so. 7 . ( 2 分 ) ﹣ We're going to different universities after the summer . Enjoy your time in college! ﹣ ( ) A.The same to you. B.Me,too. C.See you. D.Good idea. 8.(2 分)﹣John broke his arm when he was playing basketball yesterday. ﹣ ( ) A.I'm sorry to hear that. B.It's OK. C.Never mind. D.Well done. 9.(2 分)﹣Tomorrow is Saturday,would you like to go cycling with me? ﹣ ( ) A.I like it very much. B.Yes,I would. C.Sure,I'd love to. D.I think so. 10.(2 分)﹣Rachel,you'd better come to school on time tomorrow! ﹣ ( ) A.That sounds good. B.Sure,I will. C.Sorry,I won't. D.I don't know. 二、单项选择.(20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)从 ABCD 中选出能填入空白处的准 确答案. 11.(1 分)Tom is going to play soccer and play violin this weekend.( ) A.a; the B.the;/ 12.(1 分)﹣How ﹣It's only C.the; the D./; the is it from your school to home? .( ) A.far; a ten﹣minutes walk C.far; ten minutes'walk 13. ( 1 分 ) B.long; ten minutes'walk D.long; a ten﹣minute walk nice city Guiyang is!We can see trees and breathe fresh air everywhere.( ) A.How B.What a C.What D.How a 14.(1 分)﹣Must I leave now?It's still raining hard outside. ﹣No,you .You can wait till the rain stops.( ) A.don't have to C.can't B.couldn't D.shouldn't 15 . ( 1 分 ) Winter is season , and winter vacation is than summer vacation.( ) A.colder; the shortest B.the coldest; short C.the coldest; shorter D.cold; shorter 16.(1 分)I met Mary,and she lent me¥20.It was kind her to lend me the money.( ) A.for B.of C.with D.in 17.(1 分)﹣Hi!Do you know Tom is ﹣Yes,and I am a friend of cousin? .Nice to meet you.( ) A.mine; him B.my; hisC.mine; his 18.(1 分)Mr.Liu A.has been D.my; him waiting here for about five minutes.( ) B.has come C.came 19.(1 分) How does Jane D.arrived with her mother ? making phone calls or chatting online?( ) A.keep in touch; With B.keeping touch; By C.keep in touch; By D.keeping touch; With 20.(1 分)﹣ do people like swimming? ﹣Because it is good for their health.( ) A.When B.Where C.What D.Why 21.(1 分)Do you know how much Mary all these books?They only 200 yuan!( ) A.spent; cost B.paid for; spent C.paid for; cost D.cost; spent 22 . ( 1 分 ) I know the lady is singing over there . She is our Chinese teacher.( ) A.which B.who C.whom 23.(1 分)Amanda feels her.( ) D.whose because she is new here,so I try friends with A.alone; to make B.lonely; make C.lonely; to make D.alone; make 24.(1 分)Can you tell me his new car?( ) A.where did Mike buy B.where bought Mike C.where Mike buy D.where Mike bought 25.(1 分)﹣Why didn't you come to the meeting yesterday? ﹣Sorry,I didn't know that I A.was asked to come.( ) B.have asked C.am asking D.asked 二、选出与下列句子划线部分意思相同或相近的选项. 26.(1 分)Jason used to be the last to leave school last month.( ) A.was used to B.was often C.was used D.got used to 27.(1 分)John will call you in advance to tell you when and where to meet. ( ) A.in a way B.in time C.later D.ahead of time 28.(1 分)Bob takes interest in taking photos of sea birds.( ) A.is interested in B.is interesting C.is good at D.is tired of 29.(1 分)找出与下列句子划线部分意思相同或相近的选项. Every time he comes up with a new idea,he writes it down in his notebook. ( ) A.comes under B.comes in C.thinks of D.comes on 30.(1 分)Playing too many computer games is bad for our eyes.( ) A.is harm to B.is injured for C.is badly to D.is harmful to 三、完形填空.从 ABCD 中选出一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整.(10 小题,每小题 10 分,共 10 分) 31.(10 分)Belinda works in Huston.She traveled by bus(31) and office every day.She found something(32) her home about the bus driver. (33) the passengers got on the bus,he would smile at them.Everyone would give him a big(34) (35) back then. ,Belinda noticed a strange passenger who never smiled back at the diver . It seemed that this old man was always dirty and angry . He often made big (36) when he talked or coughed . Sometimes he even forced others to give up their seat to him in a loud voice. Even this didn't made the driver stop smiling at every passenger , including this rude"noisy"man.This made Belinda(37) interested. One day , she asked the driver , "Sir , why don't you throw him out of the bus?"The driver looked at Belinda and said,"He is my guest." "Then at least take back you smile.You don't have to be so nice to him!" "Let me tell you about my dog , "the driver said ( 38 ) . "Each time the moon shines brightly,my dog barks(狗狂叫)at it crazily." Belinda was(39) and said,"Sorry,but I don't understand what you are talking about." The driver smiled and said,"It keeps(40) 31.A.from B.among ,but the moon still shines." C.above D . betwe 32.A.special 33.A.Wherever B.different B.Whoever C.strange C.Whenever en D.funny D . Whatv 34.A.surprise 35.A.However B.smile B.Therefore C.hug C.After all er D.kiss D . Anywa C.noises y D . chang 36.A.jokes B.mistakes 37.A.more 38.A.friendly B.less B.patiently C.most C.secretly es D.least D . separe 39.A.moved B.relaxed C.confused ly D . excite C.driving d D . barkin 40.A.smiling B.talking g.
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2019年贵州省黔西南州中考英语真题试卷 第 1 页2019年贵州省黔西南州中考英语真题试卷 第 2 页2019年贵州省黔西南州中考英语真题试卷 第 3 页2019年贵州省黔西南州中考英语真题试卷 第 4 页2019年贵州省黔西南州中考英语真题试卷 第 5 页


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