

2020-07-20 13:34
2015 年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语真题试卷 第一部分听力 第二部分笔试(95 分) II. Multiple choice(15 分) ( )1.—Professor, may I have word with you? –Of course, about what? –I want to know more about the first man in A.a; the B. a , / C. the , / ( )2. –Oh, it’s you, Jack! I space. D. the, the you just now. Haven’t seen you for quite a long time. --I in another city in the last five years. A.don’t recognize, lived B. don’t recognize, have lived C. didn’t recognize , lived D. didn’t recognize, have lived ( )3. Last year, I went to Cambridge which lies the east of England the River Cam. A.on, in B. on, off C. in, on D. in , off ( )4. He went to the booking office A.buying B. to buy ( )5. -- C. bought tickets. D. to be bought times a week do your parents allow you to watch TV? --Only once, when my favourite TV program “Running Man”is on. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How many ( )6.The whole class present at the meeting, and two thirds given awards by the headmaster. A.was, were B. was, was C. were, were D. were, was ( )7. –I haven’t finished my report yet. –You’d better hurry up. It tomorrow. It is the deadline. A. may be handed in B. can hand in C. must be handed in D. should hand in ( )8.You should have your body examined at least once a year, health is more important than anything else. A.although B. because ( )9. Look at the picture C. when D. so , and you will find it looks . your A.carefully, beautiful B. carefully, beautifully C. careful, beautiful D. careful, beautifully ( )10. Can you imagine the difficulty I have A. completed the task ahead of time? B. been completed C. completing D. to complete ( )11. In order to learn more about the eeendangered bird, he collect as much as possible form books and on the Internet. A.ideas B. information ( )12. Mo Yan C. messages D. advice work, Frog, was highly spoken of won the Nobel Prize in Literature in October 2012. A. that B. who C. his D. whose ( )13. –I heard Mary was in hospital. How come? --Her health A.broke down under the pressure of work. B. broke out C. went down D. went out ( )14.People use steel to build houses instead of wood, because wood breaks . A.more easier B. much easier C. more easily D. most easily ( )15. –You haven’t cleaned your bedroom, have you?  . I have been busy talking with John on the phone all the morning. A. No, I haven’t. B.Yes, I have C. No, I have D. Yes, I haven’t. III. Cloze Test(10 分) Choose the best answer to complete the passage. Mr. Smith was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, “16 anyone asks for me, you can tell him that our father is out and will be back 17 a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea.” His son didn’t have a good 18 , so Mr. Smith wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to his son. His son put it into his small pocket, and 19 it out and read it from time to time. Four days passed, and 20 came to see Mr. Smith. The boy bought that there was no man coming and he had no more use for that piece of paper. So he burnt it that night. On the fifth day in the afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, “Is your father in?” The boy 21 put his hand into his 22 and looked for the piece of paper. As he 23 not find it, he suddenly remembered and shouted, “No more.” The man was greatly 24 . He asked, “No more? I 25 your father last week. When did it happen?” “Burnt last night.” ( )16. A. Until B. If C. Before ( )17. A. for B. after ( )18.A.idea B.habit ( )19. A. took C. in B. should D. kept C. someone ( )21. A. quickly B. slowly ( )23.A. must D. memory C. sent ( )20. A. no one B. none B. box D. without C. method B. gave ( )22. A. bag D. Unless D. anyone C. probably C. drawer C. could D. finally D. pocket D. might ( )24.A. excited B. disappointed C. pleased ( )25. A. noticed B. met C. watched D. shocked D. recognized IV. Communication.(5 分) Choose the sentences from the box to complete the dialogue. (There is one extra sentence). John: I went to Hainan last winter holiday. Mary: 26 . John: It couldn’t be better. The weather was good and the fruit was fresh. Mary: I’m planning a trip to Hainan this summer holiday. John: Oh, no. It’s not a good idea. It can be up to 38℃ in summer. Mary: Oh, really? 27 What about Changjiang? John: Haven’t you heard that a ship sank in Changjiang because of a storm? Mary: Yes, 28 . John: You know, storms are common during the rainy season, not only in Changjiang but also in most parts of China. Mary: 29 . John:You’d beter stay at home. Mary: 30 .How can I spend an exciting holiday that way? A.How did it happen? B. You can’t be serious. C. It’s too much for me . D. I’m so sorry about that E. Did you have a good time? F. Where on earth can I spend my holiday? V.Reading Comprehension (25 分) (A) (CNN) –The heat wave in parts of India is now leading to over two thousand deaths, officials announced (宣布). Temperatures have reached 48℃ in the past few weeks and it is hot enough to melt roads. Most of the deaths are being recorded in the south. The worsthit state is Andhra Pradesh television , radio and the Internet, have offered people different ways to cool themselves. Of course, the main thing is not going out during the hot sun time. Many of the dead are homeless people or those living in the poor areas. They , short of money, don't have ways to cool themselves. It is expected that the heat wave will continue until the rains come which usually hit India in June and July. Judge the following statements True(T) or False(F). ( )31. Less than two thousand people in India are dead because of the hot weather. ( )32. People in India have been given different ways to cool them only through television. ( )33. During the hot sun time, people in India had better stay inside. ( )34. Many of the dead are poor or homeless people because they are too poor to find ways to cool themselves. ( )35. In July, the hot wave will go on in spite of the rains. (B) Have you ever found yourself doing an exam in the middle of the sea with your favourite film star? Don’t worry. It’s only a dream!but what do your dreams say about you? Here is a fun guide to explaining them. Choose the suitable explanation for your dream. ( )36.Being chased A. This doesn’t mean you are going to die— relax! You are going through some kinds of change in your life. ( )37.Death B. If you dream someone is trying to catch you, you are worried about something in the future that you don’t feel ready for yet. ( )38. Flying C. If you dream that you are in a room and you can’t get out, you may be feeling uncomfortable in a relationship. ( )39.Finding money D. This is a wonderful dream to have. It means you are rising above your worries and troubles. You feel free. ( )40.Being locked in E. You are looking for something! If you dream you find gold coins, this means you will find some success in real life. (C) The Board Meeting came to an end. Bob started to stand up and carelessly fell hard to the ground. He went red in the face. How embarrassing! Everyone had a good laugh, and soon they were all talking stories of their most embarrassing moments. When it came around to Frank, he laughed and began his story, “I grew up in San Redro. My dad was a fisherman. He worked hard and would stay out on the sea until he caught enough to feed the family. Dad always smelled of the sea and of fish ,no matter how much my mother washed his old smelly coat and trousers.” Frank’s voice dripped a bit, “When the weather was bad, he would drive me
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2015年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语真题试卷 第 1 页2015年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语真题试卷 第 2 页2015年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语真题试卷 第 3 页2015年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语真题试卷 第 4 页2015年黑龙江省大庆市中考英语真题试卷 第 5 页


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