

2020-07-20 13:36
2016 年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考英语试卷及答案 Ⅰ.Multiplechoice (本题共 本 题 共 30 分 , 每 小 题 1 分)ChoosethebestanswerfromA、BorCaccordingtothemeaningofthese ntence. 1.(本题共1 分)﹣Whatdo you like? ﹣I like playing tennis and running.(本题共 A.subjects B.music ) C.sports 2.(本题共1 分)Please lend English book to .(本题共 A.your,me B.you,me ) C.you,I 3.(本题共1 分)﹣What's matter with you? ﹣I have fever.(本题共 A.an,the B.the,/ ) C.the,a 4.(本题共1 分)He has failed times,but he won't give up a chance.(本题共 A.third,four B.three,fourth ) C.third,fourth 5.(本题共1 分)After dinner,he used to computer games,but now he gets used to .(本题共 ) A.play,walk B.playing,walking C.play,walking 6.(本题共1 分)I was writing a letter she was making a telephone call.(本题共 A.while B.when ) C.before 7.(本题共1 分)There some good advice about how to reduce air pollution on the Intement.(本题共 A.are B.is ) C.have 8.(本题共1 分)Here are your gloves,please.(本题共 ) A.put them away B.put it away C.put away them 9.(本题共1 分)Not noly you but also everyone here watching football matches.(本题共 ) A.likesB.like C.is like 10.(本题共1 分)﹣Can you tell me the of the novel? ﹣Yes,of course,is Mo Yan.(本题共 A.name,He B.writer,It ) C.name,It 11.(本题共1 分)Jimmy is growing fast.He is taller than his mother.(本题共 A.far B.quite C.very 12.(本题共1 分)Let's a noise,someone is sleeping.(本题共 A.not make ) B.no making ) C.not to make 13.(本题共1 分)﹣Hi,you walk on the grass. ﹣Sorry,I do it again.(本题共 A.can't,will ) B.needn't,won't C.mustn't,won't 14.(本题共1 分)We feel like some food and drink because we'll invite some friends ) in a party.(本题共 A.buying,to join B.to buy,joining C.buying,join 15.(本题共1 分)﹣James,would you mind if I use your dictionary? ﹣.(本题共 ) A.Yes,please B.NO,you'd better not C.Of course not,go ahead 16.(本题共1 分)The pair of trousers me.I'll take it.(本题共 A.fit ) B.fits C.will fit 17.(本题共1 分)She dressed up everyone might notice her.(本题共 A.in order to ) B.in order that C.although 18 . (本题共 1 分 ) Tourists because of their impolite behavior in our country from now on.(本题共 ) A.will punish B.will be punished C.is punishing 19.(本题共1 分)The girl got the only chance to study abroad .proud her parents felt!(本题共 ) A.How B.What C.What a 20.(本题共1 分)It's time for class,but the bell didn't .(本题共 A.go on B.go off ) C.go through 21 . (本题共 1 分 ) The mobile phone sells for¥5 , 000 , it is much more than its ) real.(本题共 A.cost B.value C.price 22.(本题共1 分)﹣Thanks for cleaning the room,boy. ﹣.In fact,it's my to do so.(本题共 ) A.Not at all,duty B.All right,work C.OK,job 23.(本题共1 分)He the city since he graduated from college.(本题共 ) A.has left B.left C.has been away from 24.(本题共1 分)She is poor afford the expensive suit.(本题共 ) A.so,that B.enough,to C.too,to 25.(本题共1 分)There were many people over there.He asked.(本题共 ) A.what happened B.what was happened C.what did happen 26.(本题共1 分)﹣Who was hurt in the traffic accident? ﹣.(本题共 ) A.None B.No one C.Nothing 27.(本题共1 分)You'd better not read in the sun,it is bad for your eyes.(本题共 ) A.and B.but C.or 28.(本题共1 分)He solved the problem from others.(本题共 A.was different ) B.differently C.different 29.(本题共1 分)Journey to the West,she has also read Little Women.(本题共 A.Besides B.But C.Except 30.(本题共1 分)I wonder if she me when.(本题共 A.calls,she arrives C.calls,will she arrive ) B.will call,she arrives ) Ⅱ.Clozetest (本题共 本 题 共 分 15 , 每 小 题 15 分)Choosethebestanswertocompletethepassage. 31.(本题共15 分)The out﹣of﹣door world is (本题共31) of secrets.There are so many secrets , and they are so interesting that women , boys and girls are busy (本题共 33 ) (本题共 32 ) men and them . There are all kinds of animals and plants around us.The facts about how they live and grow (本题共34) interesting. Do you know that one of the (本题共35) presidents of the US spent hours and hours studying birds?A businessman lives near New York City.He became so interested in insects that he began to (本题共36) them.He now has over one hundred different kinds of insects.He keeps them carefully in glass boxes. Now come with me,and I will help you find some of (本题共37) go quietly (本题共 38 ) secrets.Let us the forests . Here we shall find how a hare (本题共 39 ) other hares where there is (本题共40) .We shall follow a mother bear and her young ones when they try to (本题共 41 ) food and (本题共 42 ) for their long winter sleep.We shall watch bees dancing in the air to tell other bees (本题共43) they can find food.I will show you (本题共44) other interesting things,but the best thing I can teach you is to keep your eyes and ears (本题共45) go outdoors. 31.A.fill 32.A.thousands B.filled B.thousand C.full C . thousand of 33.A.to study 34.A.are 35 . A . more B.studying B.is B . famouse of C.study C.have C . most famous 36.A.find 37.A.nature's 38.A.across 39.A.says 40.A.dangerous 41.A.lookup st B.take B.nature B.through B.tells B.safe B.look after famous C.collect C.natures' C.cross C.talks C.danger C.look for when you 42.A.prepare 43.A.when 44.A.many 45.A.open B.ready B.where B.much B.opening Ⅲ.Communication (本题共 本 题 C.provide C.that C.a lot C.opened 共 20 分 , 每 小 题 10 分 ) (本题共 A )ChoosethebestresponsefromatoFaccordingtothesentencesgiven. Eachchoiceshouldbeusedonlyonce. 46.(本题共10 分)46.Who's that speaking? 47.How is it going? . . 48 . Why don't you watch English movies to improve your spoken English ? . 49.Your car is nice! . 50.Would you like to help me feed my pet dog for a few days? . A.Just so﹣so D.Oh,thank you. B.That sounds like a fun way. E.This is David. C.It's my pleasure. F.With pleasure. (本题共B)Completethedialoguewithproperwordsorsentences. 51.(本题共10 分)Waiter:(本题共51) ? John:Yes,I want a table for two. Waiter:This way,please.Here's the menu.(本题共52) ? John : Yes , I'd like a fried fish and a cabbage salad with a small bowl of rice,please. ? Waiter:(本题共53) John:I'd like a cup of coffee.That's all. Waiter:Let me repeat your order,a fried fish,a cabbage salad with a small bowl of rice and a cup of coffee.(本题共54) John:(本题共55) . . Waiter:You're welcome. Ⅳ.Readingcomprehension(本题共本题共 40 分,A、B 每小题 5 分,C、D、E 每小题
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2016年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考英语试卷及答案 第 1 页2016年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考英语试卷及答案 第 2 页2016年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考英语试卷及答案 第 3 页2016年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考英语试卷及答案 第 4 页2016年黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市中考英语试卷及答案 第 5 页


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