

2020-07-20 16:36
2018 江苏省无锡市中考英语真题及答案 第 I 卷(客观题 共 50 分) 一、单项选择 在 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共 14 小题,每小题 1 分,共 14 分) 1. Let’s put the piano over there, __________ the wall. A. above B. against C. across D. around 2. You do not win respect by showing __________ you are, but what you’re able to do. A. where B. who C. how D. when 3. —I’m planning to climb Mount Huang this summer. Would you like to come along? —Wow! That would be exciting __________ challenging. I’m in! A. as well as B. as good as C. as long as D. as far as 4. You’re the future of this country. Don’t keep asking what this country can do for you. Ask __________ what you can do for this country. A. us B. ourselves C. you D. yourselves 5. —It’s said that drinking coffee __________ cancer. Do I have to give it up? —Relax! Not everything on Wechat is true. In fact, a coffee a day keeps the doctor away. A. causes B. has caused C. caused D. had caused 6. He stayed up very late that night. __________ he woke up in the morning, the sun was already high up in the sky. A. Until B. After C. While D. As 7. It’s not __________ to be friendly. You have to be a friend. Go and talk to Sam. A. good enough B. late enough C. too good D. too late 8. —Didn’t you see the zebra crossing? You __________ slow down, son! —Sorry, sir. Am I going to fail the test? A. can’t B. can C. mustn’t D. must 9. —Do you watch Peppa Pig on TV? It’s so funny! — Well, no, to be __________, I think it’s quite silly. A. curious B. brave C. gentle D. honest 10. The king didn’t take any notice of the noise in the crowd and __________ with the parade. A. carry on B. carry out C. carried on D. carried out 11. —I don’t care __________. In this camp, there’s only one hairstyle-short! Understand? —Yes, madam! A. what you are used to liking B. what you used to be like C. what are you used to liking D. what did you use to be like 12. The air pollution in the small town is getting worse. People have to wear thick masks almost every day. __________ ! A. What a shame B. What shame C. What a surprise D. What surprise 13. I don’t have much money, but I’d like to buy my dad something really special, if you know what I __________. A. want B. care C. mean D. prefer 14. —Chris didn’t even look at me. I did say hello to him with a big smile! — __________. But that is just so Chris. He’s always living in his own world. A. No wonder B. No worries C. I bet you did D. I doubt you did 二、完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 (本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Kevin and his friend Mike loved to play soccer and they often met at the old bench after school, They couldn’t 15 a real soccer ball, but Mike had made a ball out of old socks and plastic tape. It was not beautiful, but it worked well. Mike was not a good player, yet the two friends kicked and ran until the sun turned the sky pale 16 . One afternoon, the home-made ball was spinning across the grass when is was 17 stopped by someone. It was Steven, a strong soccer player. “Look at you two with your 18 ball and old trainers,” Steven laughed and said. The next day was Kevin’s birthday, and his uncle bought him a pair of new trainers and a new soccer ball. That afternoon, Steven 19 Kevin to play soccer. Kevin did not want Mike to go with them. Mike’s trainers were old and he had little 20 for soccer. When the game was over, Kevin walked past the old bench where Mike was sitting. He walked on and did not look 21 . One afternoon as Kevin walked past the old bench, he saw something 22 under it. He looked closer and found that it was the home-made ball. Kevin felt sad. As his sadness turned to 23 , he kicked his new soccer ball into the air. Up it flew, higher and higher, until it was a small dot(点)in the sky. Kevin walked to the bench and picked up the home-made ball. Holding it in his hands, he sat down on the old bench and 24 . 15. A. offer B. collect C. afford D. borrow 16. A. blue B. orange C. white D. green 17. A. suddenly B. slowly C. finally D. easily 18. A. cute B. stupid C. ideal D. tiny 19. A. refused B. allowed C. invited D. ordered 20. A. money B. time C. interest D. talent 21. A. up B. back C. out D. down 22. A. lying B. bumping C. tying D. spinning 23. A. happiness B. strength C. pride D. anger 24. A. laughed B. complained C. waited D. watched 三、阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在每小题所给的四个选项中选 出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共 13 小题,每小题 2 分,共 26 分) A Please read the advertisement and the email. Then answer Questions 2527. SUNSHINE SPORTS CLUB CLASSES Swimming Tennis Thursday or Sunday Thursday or Saturday 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. 2 p.m. or 8 p.m. Price of courses: Daytime $40 per person Evenings $50 per person Cancel New Message Send To: shirley@gmail.com Cc/Bcc, From: tony@ gmail.com Subject: Sports courses Hi dear, Could you book a sports course for the three of us-us two and Bobby? Cindy is too little for that. Let’s have tennis lessons- we can do swimming in the summer. The weekend isn’t good for me-it has to be Thursday. Also, Bobby’s music lesson is at 2pm, so we have to do the later class. It costs more, but never mind. Love, Tony 25. Who would like to book a sports course? A. Shirley. B. Tony. C. Bobby. D. Cindy. 26. Which lessons are they probably going to have? A. Tennis (Thursday-8 p.m.). B. Tennis (Saturday-2 p.m.). C. Swimming (Thursday-7 p.m.). D. Swimming (Sunday-2 p.m.). 27. How much will they have to pay for the course? A. $120. B. $150. C. $160. D. $200. B Mind Maps Mind maps are a great way of showing a picture of information that you need to learn. You can use mind maps for all kinds of learning. They work very well for vocabulary when you are learning a new language. 1 Draw a circle in the middle of the page and write the vocabulary subject in the middle. For example: transport 2 Brainstorm some word groups for ‘transport’ and think of headings for each one. For example: sea transport land transport air transport For each one, draw a short line from the centre circle outwards. Add another circle and write the new group word in the middle. 3 Look at each group and try to add more groups. For example, in ‘land transport’ there are two sub-groups; ●road ●rail Draw two more lines, add two more circles and write the two new headings inside them. 4 When you can’t make any new groups, add a line for each word you know. Write the words along the lines or, if you have space, write them inside more circles. 5 As you learn new vocabulary, add it to the mind map. 6 To make the mind maps even better, use colour to show important ideas or parts of the map. 28. The instructions above mainly show us __________. A. what mind maps are B. how to draw mind maps C. what mind maps can do D. how to make mind maps better 29. What can we learn about mind maps? A. Mind maps are usually started with a line. B. Mind maps should be simple, with no colour. C. A mind map is only used for language learning. D. A mind map is a picture with useful information. 30. Which of the following shows the right order of making a mind map? a. Draw a circle in the middle of the page. b. Add new circles and write the group words ‘sea’, ‘land’ and ‘air’ in them. c. Write ‘transport’ in the middle of the circle. d. Brainstorm some word groups for ‘transport’. A. a-c-d-b. B. a-d-c-b C. d-a-c-b. D. d-a-b-c. C Sarah stood in front of the mirror( 镜 子 ). “It looks like a raincoat on me,” she said. “Perhaps the blue,” said Mama, gently. “Sure,” the shopkeeper said. But when he took the blue coat, there on the
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2018江苏省无锡市中考英语真题及答案 第 1 页2018江苏省无锡市中考英语真题及答案 第 2 页2018江苏省无锡市中考英语真题及答案 第 3 页2018江苏省无锡市中考英语真题及答案 第 4 页2018江苏省无锡市中考英语真题及答案 第 5 页


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