

2020-07-20 17:16
2017 年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案 一、单项选择(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 1.( 1 分)My grandfather used to be a_________ .He enjoyed the feeling of flying.( ) A.pioneer B.pilot C.president D.postman 2 . ( 1 分 ) ﹣ Could you please lend your umbrella to Mary ? She forgot to bring___________. 一 OK.( ) A.mine B.yours C.hers D.his 3 . ( 1 分 ) He did well in the math test . Luckily , I did much_________ . ( ) A.better B.more C.worse D.less 4.(1 分)The TV play is so popular that _________of my parents want to miss ) it.( A.all B.none C.bothD.neither 5.(1 分)We should study in a ___________method ,or it may be a waste of time.( ) A.similar B.proper C.natural D.magic 6.(1 分)﹣Let's hide the prize and give Mom a surprise. 一 We __________do that.She has known the result.mb( A.can't B.mustn't C.shouldn't ) D.needn't 7.(1 分)Miss Yang usually sets out early in order to___________ the morning rush hour(交通高峰).( A.choose B.cause ) C.avoid D.accept 8.(1 分)My father will attend the parents 'meeting_________ he is busy .( ) A.if B.unless C.since D.when 9 . ( 1 分 ) Many children in my class_______ exercise . They just do some running in P.E.class.( ) A.seldom B.never s C.usually D.always 10.(1 分)Don't be ______the new teacher.She'll get on well with the kids( ) A.proud of B.pleased with C.be strict with D.be worried about 11.(1 分)You'd better finish your task by yourself.You can't ________others ) all the time.( A.argue with B.depend on C.separate from D.belong to 12.(1 分)You don't have to return the notebook__________ ,just ask Tom to do it instead of you.( A.in person ) B.in order C.in publicD.in time 13.(1 分)﹣Tom,can you help me lay out the fruits now? Sorry,I can't.I_________English on the Internet.( A.have learned ) B.learned C.am learning D.learn 14.(1 分)﹣I hear they'll visit the museum,and I wonder_________. ﹣The whole morning.( ) A.how often they visit it B.how much the tickets cost C.how many tickets they will buy D.how long they will stay there 15.(1 分)﹣I'm going to Yueya Island for a trip. ﹣﹣ ( ) A.My pleasure B.Take it easy C.Enjoy your time D.It doesn't matter 二、补全对话(共 5 分,每空 1 分) 16.(5 分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话.(有两个多余选项) A:Hi,Marcus.Did you watch the news on CCTV yesterday evening? B:No,I was too busy to watch TV.(16) A:Yes.It was about China's the Belt and Road(一带一路). B:China's the Belt and Road?(17) A:Well,the Belt is China's Silk Road Economic Belt(丝绸之路经济 带).It's between China and Europe on the land. B:(18) . A:The Road is the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road (21 世纪海上丝绸之路) . It's on the sea.It goes from China through Southeast Asia to Africa. . B:Oh,I see.(19) . A:You're right.(20) B:That's cool! A.How long is the Belt? B.What is it? C.What about the Road? D.Was there anything important? E.You can't tell the differences between them. F.And it'll also help other countries develop. G.It will help China become stronger and stronger. 三、完形填空(共 10 分,每空 1 分) 21.(10 分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案. Once there was a rich man called Chulong.He was very greedy(贪婪的). One day he was walking in his garden.He saw a(21) bird.It was very small , however ,it had very beautiful and colorful feathers (羽 毛) .It also had a sweet (22) (23) .Chulong had never seen such a bird in his life.He went near the bird and caught it.Now the bird began to speak. "Why have you caught me?"The bird asked. "I want to sell you to make money,"(24) Chulong. "Don't dream (25) making money by selling me,"said the bird."You can't sell me.(26) will buy me.Because I'm in imprisonment(因禁), I lose my beauty."Then it turned into a black bird. The bird then suggested ,"Well,set me free .In return I will give you three pieces of advice.They're simple (27) useful." The man agreed and set the bird free .It flew up at once .Then it sat in the tree.(28 color started changing.It became beautiful again.The bird added,"The first one is,never easily believe (29) others say.The next one is,never be upset(沮丧的)about something you don't have .The last one is,never 30) the things you have in hand." After saying these words,the bird flew away and disappeared.The man went away in silence. 21.A.huge 22.A.voice 23.A.angrily 24.A.repeated 25.A.of 26.A.Somebody 27.A.so 28.A.My 29.A.what 30.A.put off B.deaf B.look B.slowly B.reported B.for B.Anybody B.or B.His B.which B.give up C.strange C.memory C.sadly C.required C.by C.Everybody C.but C.Her C.whose C.hand out D.sick D.smell D.safely D.replied D.at D.Nobody D.as D.Its D.whom D . take down 四、阅读理解(共 20 分,每小题 5 分) 31.(5 分)One day a farmer bought four donkeys(驴)in the market in the village . He got on one of them and began to ride home . As he was going along , he noticed that there were only three donkeys walking in front of him."I wonder what happened,"he said to himself."I bought and paid for four donkeys , but now it seems that I have only three . "He was forgetting,of course,to count the donkey he was riding. When he got home,his wife met him in front of their house,"I see that you bought fine donkeys,"she said."Did you buy them at a good price?" "Yes,I did,"he said."But something drives me crazy.I bought four donkeys at the market this morning.And I am sure that I had all four with me when I left the market . But now it seems that I have only three . See ? One,two,three."He still didn't remember that he rode one of the donkeys in the village and was siting on the back at that very moment. At first his wife stared at ( 盯 着 ) him , waiting for him to smile , for she thought he was joking .Then when she noticed that he was not ,she turned away and laughed."How funny,"she said."You only see three, but I see five." 31.The farmer the donkeys in the village market. A.found B.rode C.bought D.counted 32.The farmer's wife met him . A.on the street B.before their house C.in the market D.in the room 33.The farmer could only see three donkeys because he A.left a donkey in the market B.just bought three donkeys in the market C.lost a donkey on the way home D.forgot to count the donkey he was riding 34.At first the farmer's wife thought he was A.humorous B.lazy C.serious D.stupid 35.According o the last sentence of the passage,we can infer(推断) A the farmer bought five donkeys B.the farmer played a joke on his wife C.the farmer's wife laughed at him D.the farmer's wife saw five donkeys 36 . ( 5 分 ) Didi lets people in about 400Chinese cities use an app ( 应 用 程 序 ) on their phones to order a car ride . It also has a car﹣pooling ( 拼 车)service ,and it allows people to share a car at a lower price .Didi helps protect the environment because fewer people are driving cars. A smart home needs a smart toilet . The smart toilet doesn't need an app,the Internet or Bluetooth .But it has a smart home toilet sensor (传感 器 ) . So when you come close , it will change the height of the seat automatically(自动 地). The smart toilet also helps make the air fresh ,so
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2017年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案 第 1 页2017年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案 第 2 页2017年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案 第 3 页2017年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案 第 4 页2017年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案 第 5 页


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