

2020-07-20 17:24
2018 年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案解析 选择题(共 50 分) I.单项选择(共 15 分,每小题 1 分) 从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案 1. The teacher’s encouragement gave Jenny great to face the difficulties. A. difference B. pride C. courage D. attention 1.C 考查名词辨析。句意:老师的鼓励给了詹妮极大的勇气面对困难。difference 区别; pride 骄傲;courage 勇气;attention 注意。故选 C。 2. The chicken soup delicious. I can’t wait to have a taste A. tastes B,feels C. sounds D. smells 2.D 考查系动词辨析。由下文“我迫不及待尝一尝”可知鸡肉汤闻起来美味。 taste 尝起来 feels 摸起来;sound 听起来;smell 闻起来。故选 D。 3. Tom is not here. He in the health club. A. is exercising B. was exercising C. exercises D. exercised 3.A 考查时态。由上文“汤姆不在这里。”可知他现在正在健康俱乐部锻炼。本句应用现在 进行时,其构成:be + v-ing。故选 A。 4. Mr. Li has gone to Shenyang on business, so he be in the office. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not 4.B 考查情态动词。由上文“李老师已经去沈阳出差了。”可知他不可能在办公室。表示否 定推测应用 can’t。故选 B。 5. your dream, and go for it. I believe you can succeed in the end. A. Hear from B. Take after C. Stick to D. Depend on 5.C 考查短语辨析。由下文“去追求它。我相信你最终会成功的。”可知坚持你的梦想, hear from 收到……来信;take after 长得像……;stick to 坚持;depend on 依赖。故 选 C。 6. Youth(《芳华》) 芳华》) 》) is a wonderful film, I’ve never seen a one before. A. worse B. better C. best D. worst 6.B 考查形容词比较等级。由 before 可知是现在和以前比较哪个更好,本句应用比较级 ; 由“《芳华》) 芳华》) 》是一部极好的电影”可知应用 better。故选 B。 7. We have only one position left, so of you can get it. A. neither B. both C. either D. none 7.C 考查代词辨析。由上文“我们仅有一个位置留着”可知你们两个之一可以得到它。 neither 二者都不;both 二者都;either 二者之一;none 一个也不。故选 C。 8. She was an e-mail from her friend the whole morning, but it didn’t come. A. explaining B. expressing 1 C. experiencing D. expecting 8.D 考查动词辨析。由下文“但是电子邮件没有来”可知她整个早上在期待一个来自朋友的 邮件。explaining 解释;expressing 表达;experiencing 经历;expecting 期待。故 选 D。 9. The children in the poor area are a good school to learn more knowledge. A. thirsty for B. thankful to C. known for D. harmful to 9.A 考查短语辨析。句意:贫困地区的孩子们渴望一所好的学校来学会更多的知识。 be thirsty for 对……渴望;be thankful to 对……感激;be known for 以……闻名;be harmful to 对……有害。故选 A。 10. Little Tony was happy to get a gift from his friend, the gift was only a card A. though B. but C. since D. if 10.A 考查连词辨析。though 尽管;but 但是;since 自从……以来;if 如果。上文“小 托尼收到来自他朋友的礼物很高兴”和下文“礼物仅仅是一个卡片”是让步关系。故选 A。 11. —What do you like to do in your spare time? —I like collecting train tickets, and I have a collection of 100 now A. in common B. in total C. in danger D. in silence 11.B 考查介词短语辨析。 in common 共同 ; in total 总共 ; in danger 处于困境;in silence 沉默中。由上文“我喜欢收集火车票”可知我现在总共有 100 个收藏。故选 B。 12. Your advice is very to me. I’m sure our activity will be more meaningful. A. terrible B. comfortable C. impossible D. valuable 12.D 考查形容词辨析。terrible 可怕的; comfortable 舒服的; impossible 不可能的; valuable 有价值的。由下文“我有把握我们的活动将更有意义。”可知你的建议非常有价值。 故选 D。 13. It seems that is wrong with the computer. I will get it repaired soon A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 13.B 考查不定代词辨析。由下文“我将很快让人修理它。”可知这台电脑某处似乎出毛病 了。nothing 没有事情;something 一些事情;anything 任何事情; everything 每件 事情。故选 B。 14. – Wow, your dress is really nice. Could you tell me ? -In Beauty Clothes Store. A. when you bought it B. how much you spent on it C. where you bought it D. how long you have had it 14.C 考查宾语从句。由答语“In Beauty Clothes Store.”可知问句询问地点,宾语从句 的连接词应用 where。故选 C。 15. — Could you please help me carry the heavy Dag? — . A. It’s a pleasure B. With pleasure C. You’re welcome D. It doesn’t matter 2 15.B 考 查 情 景 交 际 。 It’s a pleasure 不 用 谢 ;With pleasure 愿 意 效 劳 ; You’re welcome 不客气; It doesn’t matter 不要紧。上文对方请求帮忙,应该愿意效劳。故选 B。 Ⅱ.补全对话(共 5 分,每空 1 分) 从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。(有两个多余选项) A: Hi, Xiaomei. I called you at 8: 00 last night, but nobody answered. What were you doing? B: 16 A: Why? B: For my school trip this weekend. A: Really? 17 B: We are going for a summer picnic in Yuanshuai Forest. A: 18 How are you going there? B: Our school bus will take us there. A: 19 B: Yes, once a year. We all like it very much. A: So nice! 20 B: Thank you. A. A. Have a good trip. B. Sounds interesting. C. Where are you going? D. I was doing my homework E. How often do you have a trip? F. Do you have a trip every year? G. I was buying food in the supermarket. 16-20GCBFA Ⅲ.完形填空(共 10 分,每空 1 分) 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案 One dark night, two blind men were going home from work. “I need to buy some 21 said one of them suddenly “OK” replied the second man, “I think I’ll buy two or three pairs for 22 , too. In the shop, the salesgirl asked them, What size do you wear, sir, and what color would you like? “Size eleven. Give me one pair of black socks and two pairs of white, please, ”answered one of them “And you, sir?”the salesgirl asked 23 customer “The same for me. I wear size eleven , too. And the same color the same 24 ,” said the second blind man A moment later they were back in the 25 streets. But just then, a 3 boy riding a bicycle bumped into (撞上)them. The blind men dropped all the socks on the ground !All the six pairs—— black and white all mixed up. The boy quickly said sorry and left. The two blind men 26 all the socks, but couldn’t tell which were black and which were white. 27 could they be sure that each of them got one pair of black socks and two pairs of white? They tried to ask for help. But 28 else was in the streets. One of them soon 29 the problem. Can you guess how he made it? They separated each pair of socks and both took one sock 30 each pair. When they got home, each of them had two black socks and four white ones -just what they wanted. Weren’t they smart? 21. A. gloves B. socks C. shoes D. coats 22. A. me B. my C. myself D. mine 23. A. the other B. anotherC. other D. the others 24. A. size B. number C. pair D. shape 25. A. busy B. noisy C. bright D. dark 26. A. picked up B. took up C. put up D. showed up 27. A. What B. HowC. Why D. Which 28. A. someone B. anyone C. no one D. everyone 29. A. avoidedB. solvedC. refused D. provide 30. A. off B. for C. throughD. from 题材 记叙文 话题 智者故事 词数 269 【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章叙述了二个盲人买了袜子后,一个骑自行车的男孩撞上了(撞上) 他们,盲人把所有的袜子都掉在地上,分不清哪个是黑色的,哪个是白色的,其中一人很 快就解决了问题。你能猜到他是怎么做到的吗? 21.B 考查语境及名词辨析。由下文“The blind men dropped all the socks on the ground!”可知他们之一想买一些袜子。 22.C 考查语境及代词辨析。句意:我想为我自己买两三双。施动者把动作在形式上反射 到施动者自己,用反身代词。 23.A 考查语境及限定词辨析。由上文“two blind men”可知此处指二者当中的另一位顾 客,应用 the other 修饰。 24.A 考查语境及名词辨析。由上文“I wear size eleven , too.”可知第二位盲人穿同样 的尺码。 25.D 考查语境及形容词辨析。由句首“One dark night…””可知他们又回到漆黑的街道。 26.A 考查语境及短语辨析。由上文“The blind men dropped all the socks on the ground!”和下文“…but couldn’t tell which were black and which were white.”可 知他们捡起了所有的袜子。 27.B 考查语境及疑问词辨析。句意:他们怎么能确定他们每个人都有一双黑袜子和两双 白色袜子呢?询问方式,应用疑问词 how。 28.C 考查语境及不定代词辨析。句意:他们试图寻求帮助。但没有别的人在街上。 no one 没有人。 29.B 考查语境及动词辨析。由下文“你能猜出他是怎么做到的吗?”可知其中一个很快就 4 解决了问题。avoided 避免;solved 解决;refused 拒绝;provide 提供。故选 B。 30.D 考查语境及固定短语。他们把每对袜子分开,从每对袜子中取出一只袜子。take…” from 从……取出。 IV 阅读理解(共 20 分,每小题 1 分) 根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案。 Passage 1 (2018·辽宁辽宁抚顺) One day Fred's aunt sent him a new spade (铁锹) and a small box of seeds ( 种 子 ). As soon as he got them, he went out to his own garden to plant the seeds. His sister Jane went with him. As he dug, she stood near him and talked to him with the box of seeds in her hand. As Jane spoke, she dropped the box of seeds on the ground by mistake. All the seeds fell out, Jane was afraid and said sorry to Fred, but Fred didn’t speak to her. “Oh, Fred" she cried. “Why don’t you speak to me?” Fred replied, "I wanted to wait till I could count to ten.” “Count to ten” said Jane. “Why did you want to count to ten?” “Aunt once told me to count to ten before I spoke, if ever I felt angry. I know that I am often angry with you, and I wanted to do the right thing this time "said Fred. Oh, Fred, how good you are! It was very careless of me to let the seeds fall, but I have collected them all again. Here they are." The seeds were put into the ground, and day by day Fred and Jane came to watch them grow. At last a lot of small green leaves appeared above the ground. They soon grew larger and had pretty flowers, making the children very happy. Before you speak too fast in anger, count to ten, and if you are still angry, count again. 3l. After he got the seeds, Fred ________ at once. A. called her sister Jane B. went out to plant them C. got angry with Jane D. dropped them on the ground 32. When Jane dropped the seeds on the ground by mistake, Fred _______ at first. A. cried loudly B. shouted at Jane C. said nothing D. collected them himself 33. From the passage, we can know Fred kept his cool by _______. A. planting seeds B. counting numbers C. working with Jane D. digging in the ground 34. Fred's ______ told him to count to ten before he spoke, if ever he felt angry. A. aunt B. mother C. sister D. teacher 35. The best title for the passage is“_______” A. Planting seeds C. Counting to ten B. Fred's aunt D. Fred's sister 5
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2018年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案解析 第 1 页2018年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案解析 第 2 页2018年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案解析 第 3 页2018年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案解析 第 4 页2018年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语真题及答案解析 第 5 页


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