解放军文职招聘考试“板”忌短 “针”宜长
(摘自 《重庆晚报》 陈鲁民/文)
Short Plank, Long Needle
The so-called “短板原理” sys the capacity of a wooden tub is not determined by the long planks, but the shortest one. Applying to a person, the short plank is his shortcome or weak point. Or example, a versatile seems both文武双全,能说会道,有能力有水平,but addicted in gambling, he is then, identifying himself not with those long planks, but the shot ones. Finally, he may 身败名裂. This is maybe his “short plank”.
Among the building forest with 避雷针, it is the highest one that truly make a difference in 避雷, and others made little. This is called “避雷针原理”. If, comparing to a person, the highest 避雷针 is his special point and the method to make a living. A versatile without any special points, his techniques are useless and just for decorating.
All human beings are but the ones with shortcome; while a truly smart man is supposed to make up his “short plank” with his all efforts. If impossible, he would better be careful about it and not let it be worse. It is so important to let he know that avoid to fail for this spot.
On the other hand, to make yourself the “highest避雷针” and never bother to compare with others. Instead, it is to be the best with your profession. In addition, never be the Mr. know-it-all, but a professor in a particular field. In this way, no short plank and having high避雷针, you will on your way to success.
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