
解放军文职招聘考试Abraham Lincoln

来源: 2017-11-27 23:11

 Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the Unit­ed States, was born in Kentucky in 1809, and died in Washington in 1865, the day after he had been shot by a Southern sympathizer. He is classed with Washington in greatness of deeds, but is nearer the hearts of all Americans because he sprang from the ranks of the com­mon people, and rose from the log hut of birth to the White House. Because his family were pioneers in the newly settled West, he had practically no regular edu­cation, but he held firmly to his purpose to secure knowledge in every possible way. Stories are told of how he walked miles to secure a book, and studied by the light of the hearth fire at night after a hard day at farm work. After a hard struggle as clerk, village post­master, and surveyor, he succeeded in passing the bar examinations, and became a lawyer in Springfield, Illinois. In 1846, he was elected to Congress. In 1858, he might have gained his place in the United States Senate had he not taken his stand against slavery in the famous debates which he entered with Stephen A. Douglas. These debates spread his fame throughout the country and led the way for his election to the presiden­cy in 1860. Very shortly after his election the secession of certain Southern states led to the Civil War, which in turn induced Lincoln to free the slaves on January 1, 1863, by the Emancipation Proclamation. His second inaugural speech gave his plan for building up the peace of the nation, but he did not live to accomplish his desire. Many comparisons have been made of Washington and Lincoln. Each was in the highest sense a providential man raised up for his era, and filled with those eminent qualities that enabled him to do the great work of the hour.



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