今天是父亲节,想到爸爸平时那么辛苦,我决定送一个礼物给爸爸,不过我不知道送什么好,突然,我想到妈妈和爸爸那么好,一定有什么好的建议。 于是,我去找母亲商量怎么让父亲高兴。可是,我和母亲两个人商量了好一会儿都没有想出办法来。后来,还是我灵机一动才想出了一个好办法。我立刻对母亲说:"父亲的胡子很多,而且经常会长出来。而且他比较忙,所以,我想买一把剃须刀给爸爸。让他一有空就可以剃去胡须。妈妈,你说好吗?""好呀,孩子你想到真好!"我听了别提有多高兴了。 于是,我和妈妈一起来到了一家专卖店。那家商店东西真多呀!可是,我想到自己是来买剃须刀的。于是,我直奔陈列剃须刀的柜台。我挑选了一会儿,看到一把银白色的剃须刀既好看又实用,而且价钱也不贵。于是,我掏出自己带来的平时省吃俭用积累起来的钱,给了老板,拿了那把银白色的剃须刀就和妈妈一起走了。走出商店,妈妈对我说:"送你父亲一样东西不太好吧,再去买一样,好吗?""好呀,只是我带的钱不多了。""那没有关系,我这儿有钱。"于是,我就和妈妈一起去了蓝房子--一家专卖贺卡和礼物的商店。进了商店,我立刻开始挑选。我选好了一张可爱的小贺卡。妈妈看了以后说我的眼光真不错。 回到家里,我马上在贺卡上写上我对父亲的祝福语言。然后,我把它和剃须刀放在一起,耐心地等待着。 父亲下班回家来了,我立刻迎上去把礼物和贺卡递给父亲。父亲看到这一份特别珍贵的礼物,迫不及待地看了起来。等到看清礼物以后,他的嘴巴都张开成了"O"型。 然后爸爸非常开心的把我抱起来了,妈妈在旁边看到我们这样,也非常的开心。晚上,妈妈还做了很丰盛的晚餐,我们全家在父亲节过得非常的开心。这真是一个难忘的父亲节。 Today is father's day, thinking of what my father had always so hard, I decided to send a gift for dad, but I don't know what is good, all of a sudden, I think of mom and dad so good, there must be some good advice. So I went to talk to my mother about how to make my father happy. But my mother and I discussed it for a while, and we didn't figure it out. Then I came up with a good idea. I immediately said to mother: "father's beard, and often grow. And he is busy, so I want to buy a razor to dad. Let him can shave beard. Whenever you have a mom, what do you say?" "Well, what a good thing you think of a child! I didn't hear how happy I was. So my mother and I went to a store. What a lot of things in that store! But I thought I was here to buy a razor. So I went straight to the counter where the razor was displayed. I picked it for a while and saw a silver-white razor that was both nice and practical and inexpensive. So I took out the money I had accumulated, and gave it to my boss, and took the silver-white razor and went away with my mother. Walking out of the shop, my mother said to me, "it's not so good to send your father. "Well, I don't have enough money." "It doesn't matter. I have money here." So I went to blue house with my mother -- a shop that sells CARDS and presents. Entering the shop, I immediately started to pick. I've chosen a lovely little card. My mother said I had a good eye. When I got home, I immediately wrote my greeting to my father on the card. Then I put it alongside the razor and waited patiently. When my father came home from work, I immediately welcomed the gifts and CARDS to my father. The father saw the special gift and looked at it eagerly. By the time he saw the gift, his mouth was open to "O". Then my father was very happy to pick me up, and my mother was very happy to see us. In the evening, my mother made a big dinner, and my family enjoyed their father's day very much. It was an unforgettable father's day.
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