In relation to the essential legal system of China:
(a) explain the term jurisdiction;
(b) state the general jurisdiction for a contractual dispute;
(c) state the rules to be complied with when the parties agree to choose the jurisdiction for a contractual dispute;
(d) state the various courts, other than those under the general jurisdiction for a contractual dispute, which can be chosen by the parties to hear their contractual dispute.
In relation to the Contract Law of China:
(a) state the rule which applies where a third party fails to perform the obligation as agreed by the creditor and debtor;
(b) explain the meaning of force majeure;
(c) state whether a debtor can claim force majeure if breach of contract is caused by a third party failure.
Mr Lee, Mr Wang and Mr Chan drafted a sponsor agreement to set up a limited liability company with a total registered capital of RMB 600,000 yuan. Among other things, the agreement also stipulated the following terms:
(i) Mr Lee would subscribe RMB 70,000 yuan in cash and RMB 110,000 yuan in the form of computer software.
He should make the first payment of RMB 20,000 yuan in cash to the special account of the certified public accountant firm, and the remaining RMB 50,000 yuan plus the computer software would be contributed within one year upon the incorporation of the company.
(ii) Mr Wang would subscribe RMB 150,000 yuan in the form of equipment and land use right and make all the capital contributions within six months upon the incorporation of the company.
(iii) Mr Chan would subscribe RMB 270,000 yuan in cash. The first payment of RMB 90,000 yuan should be made before the incorporation, the remaining RMB 180,000 yuan should be made in the third year upon the incorporation of the company.
In relation to the essential legal system of China:
(a) explain the term jurisdiction;
(b) state the general jurisdiction for a contractual dispute;
(c) state the rules to be complied with when the parties agree to choose the jurisdiction for a contractual dispute;
(d) state the various courts, other than those under the general jurisdiction for a contractual dispute, which can be chosen by the parties to hear their contractual dispute.
In relation to the Contract Law of China:
(a) state the rule which applies where a third party fails to perform the obligation as agreed by the creditor and debtor;
(b) explain the meaning of force majeure;
(c) state whether a debtor can claim force majeure if breach of contract is caused by a third party failure.
In relation to the Contract Law of China:
(a) state the rule which applies where a third party fails to perform the obligation as agreed by the creditor and debtor;
(b) explain the meaning of force majeure;
(c) state whether a debtor can claim force majeure if breach of contract is caused by a third party failure.
In relation to the Labour Contract Law of China:
(a) state which entity shall represent the employees to conclude a collective labour contract;
(b) state the compulsory terms with respect to wages and standards of working conditions in a collective labour contract;
(c) state the condition, and date, for a collective labour contract to become effective.
下列属于民法调整的范围的有( )。
甲企业得知竞争对手乙企业在M地的营销策略将会进行重大调整,于是到乙企业设在N地的分部窃取乙企业内部机密文件,随之采取相应对策,给乙企业在M地的营销造成重大损失,乙企业经过调查掌握了甲企业的侵权证据,拟向法院提起诉讼,其可以选择提起诉讼的法院有( )。
有关自然人的刑事责任能力,下列表述正确的有( )。
法律行为根据行为是否通过意思表示作出分为意思表示行为和非表示行为,下列属于非表示行为的有( )。
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