由受托方代收代缴增值税、消费税的单位和个人,其代收代缴城建税适用的税率是( )。
A. 委托方所在地税率
B. 受托方所在地税率
C. 双方协商
D. 从高征收
下列不属于城市维护建设税纳税义务人的有( )。
A. 缴纳增值税的事业单位
B. 缴纳消费税的国有企业
C. 缴纳印花税的外商投资企业
D. 只缴纳个人所得税的公司职员
下列各项关于城建税的税收优惠表述正确的有( )。
A. 城建税按减免后实际缴纳的“增值税、消费税”税额计征
B. 对于因减免税而需进行“增值税、消费税”退库的,城建税不可同时退库
C. 对“增值税、消费税”实行先征后退办法的,城建税也要实行先征后退办法
D. 对国家重大水利工程建设基金免征城建税
下列关于教育费附加的表述中,正确的有( )。
A. 外商投资企业不需计算缴纳教育费附加
B. 国家重大水利工程建设基金免征教育费附加
C. 对海关进口的产品征收增值税,同时征收教育费附加
D. 对出口产品退还增值税、消费税的,不退还已征的教育费附加
下列选项中,关于金融资产转移的表述正确的有( )。
A. 企业转移了金融资产所有权上几乎所有风险和报酬的,应当终止确认该金融资产
B. 企业保留了金融资产所有权上几乎所有风险和报酬的,应当继续确认该金融资产
C. 企业既没有转移也没有保留金融资产所有权上几乎所有风险和报酬,且也未保留对该金融资产控制的,应当终止确认该金融资产
D. 企业既没有转移也没有保留金融资产所有权上几乎所有风险和报酬,且也保留了对该金融资产控制的,应当继续确认该金融资产
关于金融资产转移,下列表述中正确的有( )。
A. 企业已将金融资产所有权上几乎所有的风险和报酬转移给转入方的,应当终止确认该金融资产
B. 企业将金融资产出售,同时与买入方签订协议,在约定期限结束时按固定价格回购则不应终止确认该金融资产
C. 企业将金融资产出售,同时与买入方签订很可能行权的重大价内看跌期权合约,则不应终止确认该金融资产
D. 企业保留金融资产所有权上几乎所有的风险和报酬,应当按照继续涉入规定计量该项金融资产我的答案:A
税务师事务所合伙人或者股东中,税务师占比应高于( )。
In relation to the Property Law of China:
(a) explain the term ‘right to use the land for construction’;
(b) state the forms to establish the right to use the land for construction;
(c) state the various forms of disposal in relation to the right to use the land for construction by the owner of such a right.
In relation to the Company Law of China:
(a) state the circumstances under which a joint stock company may purchase its own shares;
(b) state the reasons why a joint stock company is generally not allowed to purchase its own shares, except under special circumstances.
In relation to the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law of China:
(a) state the rules on the circumstances to declare the creditor’s right, including what is not required to be declared;
(b) state the rules with respect to joint and several creditors/debtors during the course of declaration of thecreditor’s right.
Mr Liu entered into an agreement to buy a second-hand car from Mr Feng at a price of RMB 50,000 yuan. After the conclusion of the agreement, Mr Liu paid the price and Feng delivered the car to Mr Liu. The two parties, however, did not register the sale of the car.
Following the sale Mr Liu took the car to a repair shop to repair the air conditioner. After the completion of the repair and on the way home, a fire accident occurred due to the defect of the air conditioner and caused serious damage to the car. Mr Liu returned to the repair shop claiming compensation for the defect of the air conditioner. The repair shop insisted that it was not liable for the fire accident and the resulting damage to the car. In addition, after retrieval of the data from the local vehicles registration centre, the repair shop found that the registered owner of the car was still Mr Feng, not Mr Liu. Under such a situation it refused to discuss the dispute any more with Mr Liu, on the ground that he was not a legitimate owner of the car. When Mr Liu asked Mr Feng to negotiate with the repair shop, Mr Feng was reluctant to do so on the ground that the transaction between them was over since he had duly delivered the car to Mr Liu.
Answer the following questions in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Property Law, and give your reasons for your answer:
(a) state the rule as to the passing of ownership for a car as a kind of movables, and the effect of the agreement between the two parties;
(b) state who should be the legitimate owner of the car;
(c) state whether the repair shop should be liable for the damaged car if the fire was caused by the defect of the air conditioner.
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