Which of the following statements about standard costing are true?
(1) A standard cost is a predetermined estimated unit cost
(2) A standard cost can be used as a control device to help improve performance
(3) A standard cost card shows the unit cost details only of each product
D.1 and 3 only
Last month the total sales for XYZ Co were $960,000. A pie chart is used to show the breakdown of sales by region for the month. South region is represented by 60 degrees on the pie chart.
What are the sales for the month for the south region?
$ ()
Which of the following statements about payback is true?
A.A change in the cost of capital will affect the payback
B.Payback is technically superior to NPV
C.Payback is useful as an initial screening device
D.Payback takes into account the time value of money
Which of the following are benefits of using activity based costing?
(1) It recognises that overhead costs are not always driven by the volume of production
(2) It does not result in under or over absorption of fixed overheads
(3) It avoids all arbitrary cost apportionments
(4) It is particularly useful in single product businesses
A.1and 2
B.1 only
C.2and 3
D.1and 4
A company operates a job costing system. Job number 1207 requires $80 of direct materials and $120 of direct labour. Direct labour is paid at a rate of $12 per hour. Direct expenses for the job are $50. Production overheads are absorbed at a rate of $40 per direct labour hour and non-production overheads are absorbed at a rate of 110% of prime cost.
What is the total cost of job number 1207?
下列项目中,能够确认为无形资产的是( )。
A. 人力资源
B. 商誉
C. 企业内部产生的品牌
D. 通过购买方式取得的非专利技术
甲公司为一家制造型企业,为增值税一般纳税人。2018年5月10日,为降低采购成本,向乙公司一次性购入三套不同型号且有不同生产能力的设备A、B、C。甲公司以银行存款支付货款1 900万元、增值税税额为247万元、保险费20万元。A设备在安装过程中领用账面价值为10万元的生产用原材料,支付安装工人工资为8万元。A设备于2018年12月21日达到预定可使用状态。假定A、B、C设备均满足固定资产定义及确认条件,公允价值分别为750万元、600万元、650万元。不考虑其他因素,则A设备的入账价值为( )万元。
A. 600
B. 738
C. 685
D. 750
假定该职工食堂已达到预定可使用状态,不考虑除增值税以外的其他相关税费。甲公司职工食堂的入账价值为( )万元。
A. 695.2
B. 648.2
C. 666.2
D. 685.2
2×16年2月1日,甲公司购入一台需要安装的生产用机器设备,取得的增值税专用发票上注明的设备价款为500 000元,增值税进项税额为65 000元,取得运费增值税专用发票,其中运费2 500元,增值税225元,款项已通过银行存款支付;安装设备时,领用本公司原材料一批,价值30 000元,购进该批原材料时支付的增值税进项税额为3 900元;支付安装工人工资4 900元。假定不考虑其他税费。基于上述资料,下列表述正确的有( )。
A. 该固定资产购入时形成可抵扣的进项税额为65 225元
B. 安装固定资产领用原材料的进项税额可以抵扣
C. 安装固定资产领用原材料应视同销售处理
D. 固定资产的入账成本为537 400元
下列有关固定资产会计处理的表述中,正确的有( )。
A. 固定资产盘盈产生的收益计入当期营业外收入
B. 行政管理部门固定资产日常维护发生的支出计入当期损益
C. 生产设备更换部件期间仍按原预计使用年限计提折旧
D. 计提减值准备后的固定资产以扣除减值准备后的账面价值为基础计提折旧
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