A time series model of sales volume has the following trend and additive seasonal variation:Trend:
where Y = quarterly sales volume in units,
X = the quarter number (where the first quarter of 20X1 = quarter 17, the second quarter of 20X1 = quarter 18, etc)
What would be the time series forecast of sales units for the third quarter of 20X2?
D.98, 500
根据增值税优惠政策,下列表述正确的有( )。
The following statements refer to documents used in the material procurement procedures of XYZ Co. Is each of these statements true or false?
True OR False
A purchase requisition is prepared in the purchasing department of XYZ Co and then sent to the supplier
A goods received note is prepared by the supplier and sent with the material to XYZ Co
Which TWO of the following are true of imposed budgeting?
A.It is most effective in large organisations
B.It reduces deliberate overestimation of costs and underestimation of revenues in a budget
C.It increases operational managers' commitment to organisational objectives
D.Top management prepare a budget with lttle or no input from operating staff
A company uses the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model and holds no buffer inventory.Its annual cost of holding one unit in inventory has decreased.What is the effect, if any, of this decrease in holding costs on the EOQ and on the total annual cost of placing orders?
A company uses standard marginal costing. Last month the standard contribution on actual sales was $ 10,000 and the following variances arose:
What was the actual contribution for last month?
The following data relate to a process for last month:
What were the equivalent units of production last month?
甲公司自行研发一项新技术,累计发生研究开发支出800万元,其中符合资本化条件的支出为500万元。研发成功后向国家专利局提出专利权申请并获得批准,实际发生注册登记费8万元;为使用该项新技术发生的有关人员培训费为6万元。不考虑其他因素,甲公司该项无形资产的入账价值为( )万元。
A. 508
B. 514
C. 808
D. 814
甲公司外购某项需要安装的生产用精密仪器,购买价款为2000万元,取得的增值税专用发票上注明进项税额260万元,安装费用100万元,为达到正常运转发生测试费20万元,外聘专业人员服务费10万元,另外发生员工培训费8万元。该设备的入账成本为( )万元。
A. 2370
B. 2398C.
D. 2138
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