____-is learning through a network of computers or the internet (but not stand alone CD-Rom or tuition software), so that learning support is available from online tutors, moderators and discussion groups.
What term is used for this learning technology?
A E-learning
B Computer based training
C Blended learning
D Computer based assessment
The HR manager of a firm has been asked to explain to the finance director the quantifiable benefits of training programmes. Which of the following might she hesitate to put forward?
A Increased speed of working
B Increased accuracy of work
C Increased employee satisfaction
Peter has been identified, using Honey & Mumford's learning styles questionnaire, as a Pragmatist
learner. He is now preparing a personal development plan to improve his sales skills. Which of the
following training methods is he most likely to include in his plan?
A On-the-job coaching by his supervisor
B A group workshop in 'interpersonal skills practice'
C Personal development journaling
D A computer-based training module on sales
_____ development is a process whereby employees are offered a wide range of developmental opportunities, rather than focusing on skills required in the current job.Which word or phrase correctly completes this sentence?
A Management
B Career
C Personal
The learning cycle developed by David Kolb is a process for ______learning. Which of the following words correctly completes this sentence?
A Programmed
B Experiential
C Action
D Reflection
Which of the following is not a characteristic of a 'learning organisation'?
A The generation and transfer of knowledge
B Support for learning and development by all members
C A scientific approach to problem-solving, in order to minimise risk and error
D Willingness to continuously transform itself in response to a changing environment
甲公司于2×16年7月1日以2100万元取得乙上市公司5%的股权,对乙公司不具有控制、共同控制或重大影响,甲公司将其分类为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产。2×17年11月30日,甲公司又斥资22000万元自非关联方处取得乙公司另外50%股权,能够对乙公司实施控制。甲公司原持有乙公司5%的股权于2×17年11月30日的公允价值为2500万元,累计计入公允价值变动损益的金额为400万元。假设甲公司与乙公司在该交易发生前不存在任何关联方关系,上述购买股权的交易不构成“一揽子交易”。不考虑其他因素,则2×17年11月30日甲公司再次投资后长期股权投资的初始成本为( )万元。
2×16年1月1日甲公司以现金8000万元取得乙公司100%的有表决权股份,能够对乙公司实施控制。持有期间长期股权投资未发生减值。2×17年9月1日,甲公司将持有的乙公司90%的股权对非关联方出售,收到价款8300万元,相关手续于当日完成。处置后,甲公司无法再对乙公司实施控制,也不能施加共同控制或重大影响,因此将剩余投资转为以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产。剩余股权的公允价值为850万元。假定不考虑其他因素,因处置持有乙公司部分股权,对甲公司2×17年度损益的影响金额为( )万元。
苹果公司与微软公司在个人电脑软件领域已经竞争多年。按照产业五种竞争力分析,这属于( )。
A. 潜在进入者的进入威胁
B. 购买者的讨价还价能力
C. 供应者的讨价还价能力
D. 产业内现有企业的竞争
每当在新的一年到来之际,我国家家户户开门的第一件事就是燃放爆竹,以噼里啪啦的爆竹声辞旧迎新。放爆竹可以创造出喜庆热闹的气氛,是节日的一种娱乐活动,可以给人们带来欢愉和吉利。随着时间的推移,爆竹的应用越来越广泛,品种花色也日见繁多,每逢重大节日及喜事庆典等都要燃放爆竹以示庆贺,图个吉利。许多厂商利用这一商机获得盈利。这属于宏观环境分析的( )。
A. 政治和法律因素
B. 经济因素
C. 社会和文化因素
D. 技术因素
中国海尔公司在售后服务环节的竞争优势并不是仅仅在于有一支训练有素的售后服务人员队伍,更重要的是由于海尔多年来不断完善营销体制建设,能够为这支队伍健康运作提供坚实的基础和保障。其他公司想要模仿海尔售后服务的资源优势,同样需要花费大量时间完善自身的营销体制,这在短期内是不可能实现的。海尔公司具有的不可模仿性资源是( )。
A. 具有路径依赖性的资源
B. 物理上独特的资源
C. 具有经济制约性的资源
D. 具有因果含糊性的资源
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