下列关于除斥期间的说法中,不正确的有( )。
A. 除斥期间届满,实体权利并不消灭
B. 除斥期间为可变期间
C. 撤销权可适用除斥期间
D. 如果当事人未主张除斥期间届满,人民法院不得主动审查
下列关于无效民事行为效力的论述中,错误的是( )。
A. 无效的民事行为,从开始时起就没有法律效力
B. 民事行为部分无效,整个民事行为均归于无效
C. 民事行为被确认无效后,当事人因该行为取得的财产,应当返还;不能返还或者没有必要返还的,应当折价补偿
D. 民事行为被确认无效后,有过错的一方应当赔偿对方因此所受的损失,双方都有过错的,应当各自承担相应的责任
Which of the following types of legislation affects specific individuals or groups?
A Enabling
B Public
C Private
Which of the following statements in relation to legislation is correct?
A Legislation may modify or replace existing statutes
B Legislation may not overrule or modify existing case law
C Legislation may prevent a subsequent Parliament from changing the law
Which TWO of the following are types of offences heard by a Magistrate's Court?
(1) Indictable
(2) Summary
(3) Triable either way
(4) Hybrid
A 1 and 3
B 1 and 4
C 2 and 3
D 2 and 4
The Chancery Division of the High Court hears cases involving which of the following matters?
A Contract law
B Trusts and mortgages
C Matrimonial cases
D Adoption of children
Which of the following courts only has civil jurisdiction?
A The County Court
B The Magistrate's Court
C The Court of Appeal
D The Privy Council
In the criminal law system, an immediate appeal regarding a decision by a Magistrate's Court could be heard by which of the following courts?
A The County Court
B The Crown Court
C The Court of Appeal
D The Supreme Court
Which type of law is concerned with the function and operation of local authorities?
A.Public Law
B.Private Law
C.Common Law
All criminal law cases begin in which of the following courts?
A.The County Court
B.The Magistrate's Court
C.The Crown Court
Which of the following is the prosecutor in a criminal law case?
A.The State
B.The accused
C.The victim
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